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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I just wasted a mouthfull of beer on this comment. Totally worth every drop!!
  2. I quite enjoyed it. There's too much in this game that doesn't challenge us enough. This was challenging and gave me a good sense of accomplishment. I want undying mind as a nightfall. That shit would be epic!! (i know it won't happen cause of exclusivity, but i can dream!)
  3. Could've saved it for regular PvP, just sayin...... I'll be on in a minute and i want to kick some raid ass
  4. Hard as nails strike, but you're level 29 now, pulling your weight should be feasible! Gratz on the IB. Told you I wasn't trolling you! Seems like they're dropping all over the place at the moment
  5. Meh. Different things for people to concentrate on is all good in my book. We complain about RNGesus so they offer us another way of guarrenteing lvl 36 gear, in my eyes that's all good. I wish they'd run Queen's Wrath and other shit as well. I want to have to be picky with what i can and can't do in a week. Too much choice is sometimes a good thing!!
  6. Sounds like fun. About time there was something challenging and non-cheesable to do. So long as i have a good laugh like we did last week i don't really give a shit!!
  7. Hey there and welcome. Good to see more people enjoying Desstiny on here. I think you've added me already but we haven't had chance to have a game yet. Make sure to just jump into the party chat if we have one going, don't wait for an invite!! That's where we usually sort out who, where and what we're doing. Hopefully we'll get some games in soon
  8. I should be on tonight. More than happy to run it with you guys
  9. Plenty of food for thought in this video. Shows how maybe over reliant we are on the horn. Taking your time could lead to smoother runs rather than rushing to get it done in 2 swords Crota solo with 300 attack machine gun.:
  10. Primary - VoC, Against all odds, The Chance Secondary - Ice breaker, Light Beware, Predyths Revenge, LDR Heavy - Swarm, Hezen's vengence, Zombie apocolypse I really hope they start to let us upgrade Vanilla guns as most of my go to guns are the VoG raid weapons.
  11. Good games last night guys. Was happy to finally witness Gary dropping VoC!! I'm hoping to be on tonight/tomorrow (baby allowing) for more of the same. Also, the nightfall result of 9 coins can kiss my arse!!
  12. So......who's on tonight? I might be able to get on for a session as the baby's still hanging on in there. I need to do everything still!! I'd really like to do a full on VoG on hard. Plus a good speed run on the nightfall. Might try to fit a bit of Crota cheese in there for good measure too. Could be a fun filled night, assuming people's are on
  13. This is the part that interested me the most. I nearly said worried , but then i realised people play games for different reasons. I can see why "hardcore" gamers are bored and fed up. To an extent they've completed the game in their eyes and there's nothing exciting to go back for. Nothing new to earn, see or do. I get that. To them gaming is reaching that holy grail of end game doing it. If that is what floats people's boats, then you know what, don't complain. Just move on to the next thing, there will never be a single game that can quench that thirst. So don't try to fight it. The reason i see it differently is i play games for the journey. I enjoy the mechanics of a game. I might get to the max prestige/highest light lvl/complete the story mode etc etc.... but if the journey is good then i don't care. Destiny has grabbed me from day one. It's fun to play, no matter what lvl i am or what character i have or whether it's PvP or PvE. Plus i can chew the fat with you guys whilst doing it. I lost count of the times i played through GTA San Andreas. The story or game never changed from day one, but it didn't matter. The journey was what was important I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. People will feel how they want to about games and that's cool. Whether you're all about the holy grail and the end or you just enjoy fucking about, people need to remember gaming is something to enjoy. If you don't enjoy a game, stop playing, play something else. If you enjoy a game, play the crap out of it. Do what you want, so long as you enjoy yourself, who really gives a shit?!! TLDR: I had a cracking shit whilst writing this so just take the time to read it!!
  14. So much Euan love in here, how times have changed. Don't worry, i still think you're a cock!! x
  15. A little girl that's built like a brick shit house with a big fucking beard!! Crispy raises a good point. All UK or US teams with a full run recorded posted up here on any runs under, say, 8 mins??? Not sure how Canadians fit in on this challenge Nev Maybe you just have to solo it in under 8 mins!!
  16. 7mins 30secs (pretty sure that's right!) last time for me, Chris and Ryan. The bar's been set!!
  17. Last night certainly taught me a lot more of the routine and timings of the run. Everyone worked well together and roles were perfect. I think the main thing to remember, is to take your time. You don't need to get 3 hits on every run. 2 will do if you're able to put Crota down twice on 1 sword run. The only part that annoys me still on this raid is the over reliance of Galli to put him down. i wish there was some other way that was as reliable, but apart from that i think we're starting to get it down
  18. Hey there and welcome!! We're all a friendly bunch here and have no problems in helping you out on some raiding. However, we will need to get you up a level or 2 before we start. Otherwise you'll just be dying lots and not getting much out of the experience. Add me (stretch616) and we'll run some strikes so you can get Vanguard marks to buy the armour from the tower vendor. A nice easy way to level up. Do you have the expansion pack? Any other questions, just let us know
  19. Anyone on for some Crota raiding tonight? I've not been able to get on one of these the past 2 weeks
  20. That's one of my biggest worries. Apart from that it looks good. Kind of an updated version of Injustice
  21. Mortal Kombat X – Factions Trailer: Very excited for this game. Anyone else with me?
  22. Good shout. I totally forgot about that one. Good map for s&d but was a cluster fuck with the tanks!!
  23. Castle WaW was awesome. Sicily from COD UO is my all time favourite though. Great map for pretty much all game types and is still to date the only circular map i can think of
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