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  1. I thought he added a bit of humour to the show, even his death was kind of funny. I'm wondering, if it might of been that guy from Dorne, since he wanted revenge.
  2. Nooooooooooooooooo! I lost one of my favourite characters in that last episode.
  3. Nice to see another Aussie on here, I'm from Queensland.
  4. I love Tyrannicons video's. Random Skyrim traps.
  5. I hope they don't turn the next Man of Steel, into a Superman vs Batman movie. If they decide to go with that, they should just call the movie something like this. Man of Steel The Punch From Space That Exploded Batman's Internal Organs. :lol:
  6. I was the same with my cat, I would get scared and worried about were and what she was up to, whenever she was outside. Back when she still had 4 legs, I was too soft, I would all ways give in and let her out when she wanted, even if I thought it was a bad idea. Just because I wanted her to be happy. I mistake I'm not going to make again. I'm not sure, but I don't think there's anything I can do now that they handed their dogs over to the council to be put down. I don't think I'm ready for a new cat just yet, I do want to get another cat, maybe 2 of them, eventually when I'm ready. Sorry if this thread made some of you guys feel sad.
  7. Apparently there isn't any cremation services in this area at the moment. So she's getting sent to another town. What I found weird though, was the person at the vet asked me if I wanted a group cremation, or a private one. I don't like the thought of my pet getting cremated with a bunch of other pets and spread around together. I could never imagine doing that to a family member, so why would I do that to my beloved pet.
  8. Thanks ^^. The loss of Howie still hurts. But with each day, it feels a little better. I took Howie in to the vet last Friday, to get sent away to be cremated, they said it would take 2 weeks till I get the ashes back. I will post a pic of the wood box with her plaque on it, here.
  9. I'm saving my IP for Aatrox, I think he looks badass with those flag wings.
  10. I'm pretty sure she owned the street, even with 3 legs. I just wish I could of been there when she needed me most. It doesn't matter were I go there's some memory of her. My house, my car, the street, even just walking past her food in the shops.
  11. I stopped her from going out at night, after she lost her leg. I thought this street was safe enough for her to go out and enjoy the sun in the mornings, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. When your that close to your pet, it does feel like you lost someone that close to you. It's a horrible feeling. I spent a lot of time making sure her life was good. I really appreciate the replies from all of you, it means a lot.
  12. I just recently lost my 3 legged Saimese cat. I'm not really sure what I want to say. Just that I loved her very much, and that she all ways made me happy when times were tough. Howie had survived quite a lot of things before she died. Here's 4 of the worst things that had happened to her. 1. She came home one morning, some how poisoned by some form of drain cleaner. She was in the vet for a few weeks before she could come home. 2. One night out the front of our house she was attacked by a dog. She came out of the fight with a broken hind leg. After that the vet had put a cast on her leg that was far too tight. It ended up cutting the circulation off in her leg, which ended up going gangrene. The leg had to be amputated to save her life from blood poisoning. 3. One afternoon I noticed she was moving around my front yard very slowly. When we took her to a new vet, they said that she had been bitten by a king Brown snake which had paralyzed her. It took a week before she could move normally again. 4. My neighbor brought my cat back with the side of her face all cut open. Turns out he had left a fishing rod on his boat with some bait still on the hook. He said he found her running around his driveway, dragging the rod around behind her. He had cut the hook out himself before he brought her back home. She died because some people that had recently moved into a house down the street, didn't fix the fence around their yard, when they were told by the local council. They had 3 large dogs that escaped through the fence, and had been wandering the street attacking kids and other peoples pets, before they found my cat sunbaking in her usual spot in my front garden. She was chased through the street before she was cornered and killed. I ended up finding her 2 hours later. A few days later I was told the owners had handed their dogs over to be put down, instead of getting a massive fine. I just think, that if they had fixed their fence, the 3 dogs and my cat wouldn't have died. I'm not sure if the worst part was walking home with her dead in my arms. Or the fact that the people responsible, had killed their own dogs to save themselves. Sorry if the grammar sucks. I'm still trying to get over what happened. She was born October. 25. 2005. died September. 11. 2013. Here's some nice pics of my cat.
  13. Nice Bomberman emblem. ^^ Here's my new and improved Decepticon emblem. I think it's way better than my old one.
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