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Plumbers Crack

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Posts posted by Plumbers Crack

  1. Saw this on www.community.callofduty.com

    Re: Clan roster not showing players data

    cookiedood Oct 11, 2012 12:44 PM (in response to juannadie)

    Yes I sent a screenshot to Atviassist today and got this back

    @ATVIAssist: @Cookiedood2 We are aware of this and are looking into a solution. No ETA on completion. ^JH

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  2. Tam/Euan/Sean


    Thanks for the invites but, for some reason, I just can't join your parties


    I have a moderate NAT at the moment but I can join up OK with Gary/Mazz (Sheffield) GaryTechno (?) and Ryan (Ireland)


    Please send the invites but if you just get a reply saying "sorry can't join" you know what it is

  3. I managed to apply to join the app clan yesterday, I think, I guess someone needs to just accept the invite. Who knows with elite though? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    Bob, can't see an outstandingapplication for you. I'll try and send you an invite next time I'm on, or anyone else in the clan on PS3 can so ask them when you team up.

    Are you sure you have a Call of Duty account NOT an Elite account?

  4. Or we could leave Dylan behind, also have you sent Mikey (Moir7) an invite?

    Don't think I got down as far as Mikey. It was the first night that I'd got the game, I'd sent out 10-15 and just wanted toplay the game! Sorry Mikey and anyone else I missed

    It was also frustrating the number of people who didn't have a Call of Duty account. I don't blame them for this as it's so easy to get it confused with the Elite account. I'll try to remember next time I hop on but if you could do it as well, that would be good

    And, no, we can't leave Dylan behind :)

    Is Adam getting the game?



    THe list below are the games that count towards Clan Wars and the number of wins required to control a node. Please see Bob's (Baabcat) informative post on pages 4 and 5 later in this thread to understand how scoring and control of nodes works. Bob is now our official Clan Wars Guru! :)


    In addition to this post, additional points are now awarded for controlling nodes. If you can download and get a copy of the Call of Duty:Ghosts app working on your phone or tablet it's well worth it now as the info they post isn't "cut and paste-able"


    See http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/04/second-clan-wars-is-officially-underway-rewards-and-achievements-detailed/ for further details


    We are currently in Gold Division


    KC (50 wins)
    HCKC (50)
    TDM (150)
    HCTDM (50)
    BLITZ (50)
    S&R (32)
    DOM (300)
    CRANKED (50)
    HUNTED (50)
    S&D (80)

    I'll update the OP as each new competition comes out but it will always be behind as they don't give you much notice - it was posted last night almost as the campaign started.


    I suspect it will always be a 5 day campaign now starting at the same time with just some game modes changing. If you here different or see it before me post up in the thread and I'll update OP when I can


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