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    ShyMatthew got a reaction from Riff Machine in What Are You Currently Playing?   
    I'm in the process of downloading Modern Warfare, looking forward to starting the Campaign!
  2. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I've only just purchased Modern Warfare, but I've never brought a skin on any game (even if they give you an advantage). I don't really see the point, especially when you can unlock some by playing the Campaign.
  3. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Looking For Teammates   
    Hello, my name is Matthew. I'm just looking for a few people I can play Modern Warfare with.
  4. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from slamminbones in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I've only just purchased Modern Warfare, but I've never brought a skin on any game (even if they give you an advantage). I don't really see the point, especially when you can unlock some by playing the Campaign.
  5. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from Luseth in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I've only just purchased Modern Warfare, but I've never brought a skin on any game (even if they give you an advantage). I don't really see the point, especially when you can unlock some by playing the Campaign.
  6. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from Luseth in Looking For Teammates   
    Hello, my name is Matthew. I'm just looking for a few people I can play Modern Warfare with.
  7. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Looking For Teammates   
    Hello, my name is Matthew. I'm just looking for a few people I can play Modern Warfare with.
  8. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in What Are You Currently Playing?   
    I'm in the process of downloading Modern Warfare, looking forward to starting the Campaign!
  9. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I've only just purchased Modern Warfare, but I've never brought a skin on any game (even if they give you an advantage). I don't really see the point, especially when you can unlock some by playing the Campaign.
  10. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from James in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I've only just purchased Modern Warfare, but I've never brought a skin on any game (even if they give you an advantage). I don't really see the point, especially when you can unlock some by playing the Campaign.
  11. Like
    ShyMatthew got a reaction from James in Looking For Teammates   
    Hello, my name is Matthew. I'm just looking for a few people I can play Modern Warfare with.
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