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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. Since we're starting over, are there any themes/projects we should work toward together?
  2. alright alright alright
  3. I have a request. Can each of us have the ability to fly at the start of the game? Only until we find our house spot. Once we set home, then take it away. Pretty please? Via the FG App
  4. Do it!!!!
  5. I see you still don't use capitalization. I appreciate your consistency, sir.
  6. My bad. Via the FG App
  7. I'm all for sticking with 1.7.10 with fewer mods, but still basically everything we want. Sounds like a win to me. I'm good to restarting too. I think it will be for the better. The new people have had a chance to get their feet wet. Now we can roll. Also, its not a big deal to lose a world. I've started so many new worlds. It happens. It's probably just hard letting go of your first world. #firstworldproblems Block of text over. Peace. Via the FG App
  8. Sweet. Looking forward to hearing your plan. Via the FG App
  9. Damn it. I didn't want to like this, but I do. I've gone from fuck CoD, never again... to, weeeell, maybe.
  10. Fellow Cubs fan here. Indiana here. My wife is from Lansing, south of Chicago.
  11. Welcome to the forum. Via the FG App
  12. Wow. Visually, that looks amazing. Has a lot of potential. Via the FG App
  13. I hate being in MC limbo. I'm cool with whatever we do. I just wanna dig and build. Via the FG App
  14. Yup. It's tempting but I'd rather play in a party. Via the FG App
  15. That's what turned me off about the game. I only played it at a friend's house. But couldn't get into it because of that. Via the FG App
  16. Dayum! That's gorgeous. Via the FG App
  17. I can't be trusted in white. I'm too messy of an eater. [emoji12] Via the FG App
  18. If we're going to end up resetting and starting fresh to be more inclusive and plan for future growth from forum members, then we should do it sooner than later. It sucks to work on something to have it be wasted.
  19. That black one looks nice.
  20. Looks amazing. Definitely on my radar now. Via the FG App
  21. BO7H B4RRELS


    I'm liking it. I have it opened on my 2nd monitor when I play now.
  22. Well okay, it's settled No more nights in this weed and thorn infested meadow Uh-uh, from this day forth, only forward I pedal Get the memo I'm cutting the strings Gepetto Shuffle the cards and let's argue Rooted in between the computer games and cartoons Stop and watch us all get lost Between God and a shot of scotch, let's get fly
  23. Visually, it looks great, but if it lags like a mofo, it doesn't matter. Lipstick on a pig. Via the FG App
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