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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. That's pretty funny.
  2. I was really digging that game until it got all "here's the scary bad guys, you'll be killing shit in the woods." If it focused more on the survival aspect like it looked like in the beginning, I'd be getting it for sure. But, if that's just the tutorial and the rest of the game is killing shit in the woods, then I don't know... I'd have to read some reviews first. It definitely has my interests though, that's for sure. I'll be keeping my eye on this one.
  3. Dave, you weren't watching this were you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f3BJ_drXPw
  4. That's Dave's specialtise! I'm not sure. I heard 2014 at some point, but I don't know. The video I watched never said a set in stone date.
  5. I'm proud of you, Kyle. You know that. I'm really happy to see you pushing forward through life. Go get 'em!
  6. Great thread idea I'll definitely be following this one.
  7. Mass Effect without a doubt! ..and the Bioshock sereies.
  8. We're in no short supply of morons around here, but we're all house broken and friendly. Welcome aboard.
  9. HAHAHA. I still want to get some Day Z in with you, Dave. I completely suck at that game, but I enjoy it. I want to play on that server with you and your friends. Maybe Mike and I can both get in on it at the same time some night. It's a game that you can't just play a quick session, I feel like I need a good stretch of time to play it. LoL on the other hand, you can sit down and play a quick game or a nice long session. Good fun!!! LEAGUE OF FUCKING LEGENDS!!!
  10. Lee, thanks for the Truck Fighters recommendation. I've been listening to BRMC constantly since you posted them the other day. Thanks man!
  11. Fuck it, lets go bowling.
  12. The last movie I watched was "The Big Lebowski" this past week.
  13. Mike, sharpen up on your LoL skillz, won't be long!
  14. I had the most fun I've had in years last night. We had some good laughs during the draft, but after the draft we (Me, Rachel, and Roni) stayed up until sometime after 3 drinking and shooting the shit. It was a needed break from reality. I feel confident in my team for the most part. I love my RB's, but my WR's could be better. The Yahoo draft grade is a joke. I was reading someone's (maybe Rachel's) grade and it said she had one of the weakest QB combos in our league... Tom Brady and Joe Flacco. One of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and last years super bowl winning QB, lol. Oh come on... It doesn't take into account of a lot of things like rookies, sleepers, and other things that we know and a pre-written program doesn't. I'm not worried about my D grade or anyone else's A or B grade. Bring it!
  15. Lee, that's insane! Palle, thanks man. I figured you'd like it
  16. I've read your replies, but I haven't had any free time to sit down at my PC yet. I'm working all weekend, so I'll re-read these and post up on Monday or Tuesday. Thanks a lot fellas, I appreciate the help.
  17. I've got a hangover.
  18. Awesome news!!!
  19. I hope everyone is ready to go for this. I'm really excited. I don't think I'm going to Skype though. I've got people here at my house and they don't want to be on Skype, so... sorry. I'll be talking mad shit in the chat box though, believe me. Make sure you run the system test to make sure you're drafting device (pc, tablet, phone) is up to date and works with Yahoo.
  20. Just PM'd you.
  21. I don't think she has the cord/charger at all anymore. I'll ask her when she wakes up (she worked last night). I really appreciate your help, our wedding pictures are saved on there. :\ Where can I get the mm connection size? It says, 19.5v but not the 3A part.
  22. I'm going to ask all of my noob questions here. If you've got some of your own, feel free to ask away. We can use this thread to ask and answer noob pc questions. So... I've been playing Crysis 2. Solid game. Never played the first, but I'm having fun with this one. I had everything maxed out. Ran perfectly smooth. But just shut off out of no where. Play a second time, just a bit ago, and turned Anti-A off and turned it down to High instead of Ultra or whatever the first step down from Ultra is. It played perfectly smooth still, but then shut down again. What could it be?
  23. Black Mountain and the Doves are both on the cd you burned for me. Both are bad ass. Karma to burn doesn't sound familiar.
  24. ^ Thanks a lot.
  25. The only year she has ever played in Fantasy Football she beat me. Her and I were in the losers bracket. She got 5th, I got 6th. *shame*
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