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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKndmviQRQE&list=WLMDAbTf8fzv-Hekp5j_uGHZAeyCS7uHU5
  2. This is something I've been trying to get better at. I have always used them to recover from battle, but I'm trying to learn to use them to sustain the battle. It's tricky. I'm pretty clumbsy with the keyboard, so it's hard for me to time it out right, but I'm getting better.
  3. ^ Never would have guessed that one!
  4. How's the custom acquarium site coming along?
  5. I often play a little too aggressive, so having the health/mana is great for me. But, you're right... IF I played more passive, that would be just fine. I tend to go after the enemy mid lane pretty early and keep him back while I last hit.
  6. Keep us posted man. Hopefully things are sorted out now. Let us know how you're enjoy the games too.
  7. This is what I was doing in the past. Doran's ring, then Rabadons Cap. Lately I've been starting with a Crystalline Flask. It's great for sustaining mid longer than your enemy.
  8. Starting out the season 0-2 it looks like, lol. I'll be 1-1 after I'm done kicking your ass tonight. Anyway... back to GTA. I hope that the controls are a little better in this game. They've never been bad, but they haven't been that great either. I'd like to see them polish that area of the game.
  9. How's fantasy football going for you this week?
  10. That's about all my friends, period. lol That's cool though, I may get it then.
  11. I'm not trying to bash the series at all. I've owned all of them, but the problem is, I've sold all of them too. They get very repetative. They're all the same to me. This one looks promising, but I was just looking for some specific innovations that might convince me to get it.
  12. The size of the map doesn't matter if I'm still doing the same mundane quests. I can only drive around running poeple over, waiting for the ambulance, then killing the paramedics so many times no matter how much area I have to do it in. 3 Characters doesn't mean much to me. I'll still be doing the same stuff, just with 3 different characters, right?
  13. You guys were all <16. That's why I didn't stick around long. I felt like the weird old perv. lol I tried to only play when Jesse was on because he was at least 18.
  14. http://www.gamespot.com/news/bioware-talks-up-next-mass-effect-6414430
  15. You confronting her infront of her Dad probably seems more like you're tattling on her. You're going down to her level in her mind. "oooh, he's telling on me in front of my dad, lol, I'll show him." Try approaching her as one adult to another. Talk to her how you would another adult. Explain to her in private that you feel like she's being very disrespectful to you and you don't appreciate it. Flip the situation and ask her how she would feel if you did x, y, and z. See how that approach goes.
  16. Mike. Have you ever confronted her on her behavior? Do it respectfully, but let her know how she is being disrespectful to you. You don't deserve that man. For me, this generation of consoles will be remembered as the console that got me playing multiplayer games. The social aspect is what stands out to me the most. Xbox Live party chat. DI. Even NoobzZz. I'm an introvert, so it was a hard step for me to take. But, yeah, this gen = social gaming for me.
  17. Repay her next week by talking to us on Skype/TeamSpeak when we play LoL.
  18. I own all of those Champions, and they're all some of my personal favorites. Garen is a beast in top lane. I love using Annie and Yi mid lane. Soraka is one of my top Champions overall. I used her in PvP the other day and had a really nice support game with Heiman and Cassidy. Quick tip for Garen, build toward the Sunfire Cape right away!
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