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Everything posted by Nôodles

  1. Yeah, this forum needs moar machinima geeks Feeling kinda lonely here
  2. Machinima, how I see it, are movies made with game engines. Not necessarily short. One of my farourites is 90 mins long and took one and a half year to finsish. With music, story, voiceacting, everything. This channel on youtube just named itself after that genre. As I am a lazy ass, I best let others explain what machinima is. So if you are interested, here is an article from wikipedia that hits the nail on the head imo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machinima
  3. Hi guys and gals, so I'm a WoW nerd obviously and 9 years ago, someone showed me this particular movie and got me hooked to WoW machinima ever since. http://dai.ly/x7h50n Now I'd like some recommendations for other machinima than WoW, because there clearly is more out there. So if you have any favourite machinima you'd like to share, feel free to comment
  4. Anyone here like the music in video games? There's a live concert event bringing you your favourite video game music live on stage with orchestra, choir and fx. And it's touring Europe starting end of October to mid November. Here is what you get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBpzVD4GZ8E And here is a link to the tour dates: http://www.videogameslive.com/index.php?s=dates PS: Tickets are on sale (I got mine already )
  5. A special present for our glorious leader:
  6. So Diddums, our great and fearless leader, what do you think about the ad text, does it look good to you?
  7. Regarding flex raids: As far as I am aware, you can do Flex cross realm, meaning, if someone has a viable alt, we can just invite them via battle tag. BTW, it seems i got the late shift this week, so I won#t be home before 11pm server time:/
  8. I have written a recruiting text for a macro to spam in trade chat. Please take a look at it and leave some suggestions. Thanks. /2 {star} <Ethereal Brothership> {star} Casual raiding guild (Flex/starting Normal soon) is looking for friendly and mature members to fill our ranks. We mainly need 3 more DPS, but any class or spec is welcome./w for info
  9. Tanking for Dummies: All SoO LFR explained in a nutshell by Salts Dude
  10. Hey, this is Nöodles/Druîdî http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/grim-batol/N%C3%B6odles/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/grim-batol/Dru%C3%AEd%C3%AE/simple I can bring a Survival Hunter or a Resto Druid Until the end of May I have a pretty steady schedule workwise. basically 8 am to 6 pm. And only weekdays. In June, however, I'm going to start with weekend shifts and late shifts to 11 pm, probably changing on a weekly basis and will know it probably only one or two weeks in advance.
  11. Heirloom weapons drop off Garrosh on Flex, too http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71865#drops:mode=flex
  12. Good news for everyone catching up with the raiding. Apparently, you will be able to upgrade your already upgraded gear another time by 8 item levels, This change is coming with patch 5.4.8 and is currently tested on the PTR http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/12673849748 Also they are going to implement some catch up mechanisms for those who started the Legendary quest chain late http://www.wowhead.com/news=237715/patch-5-4-8-ptr-build-18224-spell-changes
  13. That does not make me any wiser, I posted a link, too, obviously, but mine looks very different ,,,,, So what do you have to do in the editor to make videos appear like that? Pretty please:)
  14. Found something to cheer you up! Ah, the good old nostalgia.... http://www.koreus.com/video/world-of-warcraft-level-60.html
  15. oO that was disturbing / how do you post videos like that???
  16. Diddums, here's what a proper raid leader does: Don't forget to put the GLIF ON!!! NERD RAGE ON TS of the current world first guild METHOD
  17. New raid structure and LFR changes in WoD http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/13942448/
  18. Hi, I was bored, so I thought 'd make a little thread with useful info about ->see title<- for those who, unlike me, do not frequent the usual WoW gaming sites on a daily basis So here we go: Raid changes coming with the WoD prepatch: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/14014199/siege-of-orgrimmar-changes-in-patch-60-and-warlords-of-draenor-06-05-2014 Challenge Mode changes coming with the WoD prepatch: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/12930280 Have fun reading <3
  19. Hello guildies, how is it going everyone? It went kinda silent here.... I hope I don't get blacklisted because I disconnected during the raid
  20. Sooo, Diddums, when's the next raid coming? Can't wait!!! Is it going to be announced in the forums?
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