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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. Don't worry, i'm writing up my mod guide for n00bs.
  2. You can't fool me, Rich. I'm a mod.
  3. Do it. DO IT NOW!
  4. Yup, that's where I saw him fight. The Sonnon vs. Shogun event.
  5. Thanks. Have you guys seen Conor McGregor fight? I watched him fight last week and the dude was relentless.
  6. Yeahh, I thought it was predictable, especially when they kept talking about 'that horrid smell'. But afterwards we were kinda sad, started talking about how cruel people are to one another.
  7. Here we're gonna post schedules and have discussion on the fights. Coming up:
  8. I'd love to help, but I don't think computers are my expertise. Amazon however, totally down for any questions.
  9. S'all good, Matt. I hope things start working out for you.
  10. Ahh, thank god someone said it. Man, I still haven't seen that movie yet.
  11. Hey man!
  12. Rockstar said it was a typo. - Kotaku (retweeted it)
  13. "Bummer, I would have loved to jump in the ball pit!" BB on FB.
  14. I shop on Amazon all the time. You get what you pay for. A $1 cord does sound too good to be true. Plus... there aren't that many reviews. Those 6 reviews could be by friends of the seller for all you know. I will always go for something with a lot of good reviews, not just a few. Especially if they aren't shipped from the amazon warehouse.
  15. Thanks man!
  16. Check this out. $150 Version of GTA V Lets You Play Online as Niko Bellic's Son.
  17. I watched The Boy with the Striped Pajamas last night with my girlfriend.
  18. I'm still working on my stache.
  19. Good thing I always put some tags on my topics!
  20. Is there really a gun called the honey badger? I can't help but laugh at that name. Give me some time and I'll add these weapons, Chris. I didn't know that you could transfer soldiers CROSS PLATFORM. That's pretty cool. Thanks Gary.
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