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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. I think i'm the only one who is not thrilled about this. Everyone's gonna have the best penthouse and not gonna work for it. I'unno.
  2. Noo, that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is the things i'm interested in. For example, we're on this gaming forum and if I read about Call of Duty or Destiny, all those tweets do matter to me, so I read them - not just for me, but for you guys too. It's all about who you follow, as I'm sure you know. I will read World News and go "Hm, that sucks" and not click the link, but if I read my local news it has a much greater impact on me and I'll most likely read it. I try to follow who I think will interest me with news and if they get boring then I simply unfollow. Ultimately, I read for you guys and to pass my time. It's not my life or anything like that. As for my personal Twitter, it was me following funny jokes - reading them at night to get a laugh, along with the news, and a few gaming sites. I tried the whole tweeting thing for just me, but I can't get into it. I don't see the point. I don't know how some people have 15,000 tweets. I think those people need to be evaluated. lol
  3. I wasn't talking about friends, I'm just talking about news. Why do people read news on the Internet or paper? To see what's going on. I just happen to read mine on Twitter, where it's instant. I don't have my nose in it all day, only when I lay down for bed.
  4. I actually absolutely hate cats. Only reason I have Butterball is because my mom's one cat gave birth, which completely disgusted me. I saw the liter and held Butterball and it was love at first meow. I think that cat put a spell on me. I hate every other cat, love mine though. Even though he's a little terrorist.
  5. Lol you don't have to say you're sorry to me. You guys are missing out. Twitter out of any social network has the most fastest and quickest news. It's all about who you follow. CNN, Video Games, Developers, Favorite bands, all the updates in one place. I read tweets before bed. Makes me happy when some says 'oh my god did you know blahblahblah' yeah... I knew that a week ago. Haha
  6. I only ever see you older guys complain about Facebook. For me it's HOW you use Facebook. If you're some chick that's posting status updates about her whole day then yeah, gtfo. But if you're using it for groups, news, and talking, not stalking, I don't see the harm in that. That's what it's for. Attention seeking family/friends that you can't delete on Facebook is easy to control, simply make it so they don't show up in your news feed. Simple. I don't put up with people like that. I know a lot of my older family members use Facebook and have some of the same issues you have, but they don't know that they can fix it! Facebook is what you make it.
  7. Selfie of a selfie of a selfie! Me and Cal showing my mom the Vinewood sign!
  8. Sorry Palle and your emblem is my favorite thus far!
  9. Idk if this is a stupid question, but if I get on another PS3 will my online character be on that one as well?
  10. Putting a beautiful cat next to a panda bear is just too much cuteness for one picture.
  11. Hey, it was nice playing with some of you guys tonight.
  12. John, your cat is beautiful.
  13. Welcome Dayz friend!
  14. Yes sir, all of the Representatives can. Have at it, I suck at making those things.
  15. I'll be editing the OP when I get the chance here. Keep the info coming and expect an update in the coming days.
  16. Spider_Dude23? Don't know who this is. But if they wanna be in the crew, they'll have to suffice as a muscle member until we see how they are online.
  17. We were just on!
  18. I like it Brede! Not at all. It's a forum crew, man.
  19. Dedicated Servers coming to all current gen, next gen consoles, and PC! Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin has just giving clarification and confirmation via Twitter that dedicated servers will be coming to all current and next-gen consoles as well as PCs. GHOSTS ONLINE CONNECTIVITY UPDATE: I wanted to give a quick update on some of the work that has been done to improve everyone’s online experience. We’ve already mentioned dedicated servers as part of the overall plan to improve connectivity. Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible. There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance. Again these are just some of the things that are going into Call of Duty: Ghosts to give players a great online experience. Can’t wait to see you all online. Mark Rubin further clarified that he is not allowed to mention any platform by name (presumbly due to the MSFT/ATVI contract), but that PS3/PS4 will be getting dedicated servers. http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/10/07/ghosts-dedicated-servers-coming-to-all-current-and-next-gen-platforms-and-pc/
  20. Well, I recently put this in my PPR, but it made me so excited I want to contribute it to this thread. Background: When I was 16, I got into a bad car accident (not my fault) which in the end made me an epileptic. Because of that, I wasn't able to drive anymore, doctors orders. It gradually got worse and I ended up having a temporal lobectomy done (which was all documented in my PPR on the MW2forum). I had some seizures through the healing process of the surgery, but I haven't had a seizure since. So now onto my happy story! Just this past Friday night, for the first time since I was 16 years old (the night of my accident), I actually got the courage up to drive at night. I drove for about an hour with my relative and it made me really happy. For the first time, I wasn't scared of the lights and even though I was really tense the whole time, it made me feel at peace. Needless to say, I can't wait until my next nighttime outing.
  21. Diddums is now a Commissioner. For obvious reasons. haha
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