What exactly is attention seeking, in your opinion? A status like "I don't feel good?", "RIP Grandpop?", "I'm so hungry?" Or more like this "That bitch better watch out, she has another thing coming", "I don't tired of fake people" yadayada I'm just trying to understand better. The later part is the part that I block from my newsfeed.
I'm friends with some clan mates on Facebook and when someone posts a picture of the HUGE smoked roasted dinner that they're making. I think that's worth sharing! I love food. haha
Are you just 'friends' with a bunch of people you don't even talk to anymore?
Some of my best friends, I enjoy reading anything they posts simply because we both lead two different lives and we're busy. If they seem sad in a status, it makes me try and reach out to them. If they're happy, I want to acknowledge that. They are my friends after all right?
If I have a Facebook full of friends, just like this forum, I feel like I should be able to post when I'm sad/happy in a status. That way my friends, who are free at the time, can help me out or be happy with me. I don't see how Facebook is any different then this forum. If someone is sad/happy they shout about it in the shoutbox. They post about it in a status, they put it in the PPR. Same thing with Facebook, if I'm sad/happy I'm gonna say it some way on Facebook so my friends can help me through something, or like I said before, be happy with me. I don't believe that's 'attention seeking'. I don't know. That's just the way I see it. Here's an example, my mom's surgery is on Oct. 29th, I was so excited I posted it everywhere. Attention seeking? To people that hate me probably. But to my friends they should be just as happy as I am!
I have all my friends sorted through lists too, family, close friends, gaming friends, clan, and acquaintances. If I want only my family to see something, that's who it's posted to. So basically if you're an acquaintance of mine you're never gonna see my status'. I just think people don't use social networks as effectively as they can. My friends shouldn't think that i'm attention seeking with my posts or they really aren't my friends to begin with.
As far as those stupid pictures you're talking about with 'mmmmmmm beer' or 'have a nice day', I think those are pointless, but if it's my brother (just an example) or someone else like that, THAT'S MY BROTHER! I'm gonna not think he's being attention seeking by just saying that. Sure, there are more productive things that people can be doing, but that's how some people are this day in age.
It sounds like these are people on your Facebook, you could just care less about, and that's why it's ticking you off so much. So overall, I'm glad you got away from all the garbage. But in my opinion, if your Facebook is filled with people who you actively talk to, it's a nice support group and a great place to talk about the sporting event at the end of the night with multiple people. Something that you just can't do with a telephone.
I'm sorry if this was disorganized or anything like that, i'm in a living room with 4 people talking loudly as i'm trying to think.