@Diddums🤣🤣 ha ha you literally forecasted the future!!!
Oh Jesus Why did I even have to open that email this morning. Last night I was on a total high that is got it sorted, and of course I still am but because it’s something I’m so unfamiliar with and even the process of upgrading etc I’m allowing that email to wreck my head!!
Regarding my budget are we taking about for the monitor?? Because I’ve already bought that PC last night, so it’s signed, sealed, delivered, arriving here in about a week!! Lol. But yes I do want a gaming PC that will last him at least 2-3 years before I need to spend a fortune upgrading it. 😫
The monitor id like to get for £200 MAX.
im getting totally ahead of myself now, but say in 2-3 years are we looking at £2500 to upgrade Danny to next “best” thing?? Sweet Jesus! Lol.
And here is the space we hope it will go….
we will be moving the keyboard and that Lego unit.