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Posts posted by Playertd

  1. SnD was one of the most popular, and competitive game modes, I can see some pro players being pissed about them dropping it...TTK shouldn't be much of a problem, people played mw2 and that ttk was even higher than ghosts. Just the recent cods have gotten some people used to low ttk, I bet they will be fine with it once they adjust.

  2. Why I think ghosts is the greatest cod ever - it has the best connection (that's the biggest reason). I personally like that the time is kill is fast, I felt so danm silly eating 10 bullets then turning around and killing someone in bo2/bo1. The maps so far are great...a few shit ones but there will always be. Best hit detection (this is kinda because of the good connection).


    I've played all the cods from cod 4 on up during their first weeks of release, none have impressed me as much as this one has. (mw2 comes close)

  3. Inception., on 05 Nov 2013 - 1:32 PM, said:

    Well, hold on here. I do not think it can be considered the best Call of Duty game to date; there is no Search and Destroy. Besides, it has only been out for one day and everyone always says it's the best Call of Duty. That being said, it looks nice. The maps are far larger than that of *cough* MW3 *cough* which is what I love: large maps. The campaign is so far pretty cool (I've only played about 40 minutes though). 

    I'll update this more once I play more.

    It really doesn't matter how long the game is out for...right away I knew mw3, bo1 and Bo2 were not going to be great cod's...because of all their issues. This game doesn't have those problems - so it's the best IMO.


    Yeah it's missing a few game modes, S&D got replaced with S&R...so it's not entirely gone.

  4. TigerBurge, on 05 Nov 2013 - 03:10 AM, said:

    Wait until you try it on Ghosts. It's damn near impossible

    ^^ Mw2 catered to quickscopers....this game not so much, the AR's outgun snipers nearly all the time.

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