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Posts posted by Playertd

  1. So, played some more last night and the experience didn`t get any better.

    Too many campers, catered to snipers imo, and I hate snipers with a passion. The maps are boring and the usual blown up places with debree everywhere. And there`s too many entrances to everything, too many places where campers can set up shop. Not to mention getting shot in the back 8/10 times.

    They were smart and took away the connection bar so people don`t know if they have 1 or 4 bars. I know I feel slightly behind quite often, and take too many bullets to kill someone vs people that kill me in just a few.

    Spawns are dogdy. Spawning in and an enemy spawns in right behind me.

    Seriously need Quickdraw, but doesn`t unlock until level 54 or something, wtf?

    Playing the game makes me rage, to the point I want to break my controller and disc.


    Conclusion: Not gonna buy the game and no COD in the future. I`m getting to old for this shit.


    Oh, and soo HATE the french!


    You can spend a few squad points to buy quickdraw early....takes a game or two to get it.

  2. techno, on 10 Nov 2013 - 3:31 PM, said:

    You can track how many kills you have with a weapon.

    However I'm also not a fan of the operations, much prefer proper challenges.

    Not sure if its how there laid out but there dies seem to be a slight lack of weapons.

    Where do you see weapon stats? I can't find it.

  3. First of all...I love the hell out of this game.


    I do have a few complaints though :P

    1. The challenge system SUCKS. I miss the old version, I can't complete some unless their "selected" which is retarded.

    2. I miss weapon stats, I want to see how many kills I got with the lsat, how many headshots with the msbs ect.

    3. I miss cool guns. Like the ak47, M4A1, desert eagle, colt 1911, M60,UZI, barret .50....you know all the badass guns lol.

    4. Ghosts/elite what ever the fuck is annoying, only available for phones, nothing on the xbox or computer....bad business idea on their part.


    I was missing S&D but their returning that game mods, so that's all good.

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