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slamminbones last won the day on July 29

slamminbones had the most liked content!



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  • First Console
    Commodore 64

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    south wales

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  1. COD modern warfare

    We will be playing cod custom games please join. Your fav Matty... EagleEye

  2. Sunday 21st June Call of Cthulhu FG Taster Session

    Hi folks, 


    I have been commissioned by @Diddums to lead a taster session for a different type of game. As you all probably know I play a bit of D&D on a Wednesday, I absolutely love it and it's really immersive and fun. So we are going to try the table top role playing game style here at FG. 


    Using Discord and a little bit of preparation we will be able to go on an amazing journey of the mind! Call of Cthulhu is a HP Lovecraft inspired adventure game (think Scientology.....yeh that guy!) which is based on mystery solving, the occult and mythos. Games are generally story driven (rather than battle driven like D&D) which allow players to be more immersive in their characters and skills. 


    To give you an 'idiots guide' what will happen is that I will lead a group of you on a 'mission' to solve a mystery (kind of like scooby do!) based around a certain time period, event or creature. An example of a previous campaign i've run is that of the Mary Celeste and some spontaneous murders that have occurred. My group of characters had to work out what was causing the murders (ghosts of the Mary Celeste) and how to stop that (spectral mirror to let the ghosts know they were dead and to fuck off to the after life). 


    The big 'fun' of CoC is that the more you learn about the occult and mythos, the more sanity you lose....this creates a unique challenge because the more you know, the less you can do (as a character) so you have to become creative. 


    All we are going to need is 4 - 6 players, you have some a choice from there which I'd like to comment on below. You can either create your own character or use one of my pre-made ones, let me know below if you intend to play and what you'd like to do visa-vi character. 


    You can either buy some cheap dice from amazon or use an app on your phone, i'm not really too worried about that.


    We are tentatively going to say next Sunday 21st June with a 3pm kick off time, the session will last 3-4 hours as i'd like to get you through a full short campaign.


    Peace and love


  3. FG Fridays - Battlefront 2 (Free on PSN Store!)

    Its FG Friday! And time to try something different....and its free right now on the PSN Store!!


    We thought why not try the latest PS Plus game available, see how many squads can come together with Lightsabers and beers. 😎




    Let's see your names down...RSVP. ASAP. BOSH.

  4. FG Fridays - Wreckfest

    Wreckfest is back! Banter, beer and carnage all wrapped up in one healthy consolidated game night 😎 Get yourself RSVP'd and we'll see you later!

  5. Corrodoory: Euan's Attending Edition!



    WW2 it is folks, FFXIV turned out to be a fuckup. 


    See you on the battlefield soldiers! 



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