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slamminbones last won the day on July 29

slamminbones had the most liked content!



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  • First Console
    Commodore 64

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  • Location
    south wales

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  1. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    GTA FG Races is back! A meet up on this in long overdue. Let's try and get a huge lobby of us all for tons of games, races and banter.


    Make sure you update the game before tomorrow night, plenty of time to get it done!


    RSVP on the event so we know if you can or can't come!!!!

  2. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    GTA FG Races is back! Let's try and get a huge lobby of us all for tons of games, races and banter. Get the game updated and i'll start creating a PS4 Group Chat for FG Fridays - don't leave a random group otherwise you won't see the party chat open!!


    RSVP on the event so we know if you can or can't come!!!!

  3. FG Fridays - Destiny 2

    Crucible heads need rolling, and if we get enough we can play custom Crucible/Gambito to see the weekend in!


    Red Dead is also on tonight for others that can't make D2!


    RSVP on the event so we know who's in!

  4. FG Fridays - MW:Remastered & Wreckfest!

    Getting FG Friday games up - its been too long for a CoD night of shooting each other in the face! So lets play for an hour or so and the crack on to the lovely Wreckfest! This is for the remastered version not the new one.


    If we don't get enough for MW Remastered we'll just start Wreckfest earlier! 😄


    Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!!

  5. Siege Friday

    As it is getting to that time of the year and most of us may or may not be on. 

     I thought it would be nice to get together and play some Rainbow 6 Siege for fun. 

    will be good to have some drinks and a laugh. 

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