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slamminbones last won the day on July 29

slamminbones had the most liked content!



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  • First Console
    Commodore 64

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  • Location
    south wales

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  1. FG Friday - Crimbo Special

    The last Friday before Xmas, let's see if we can get a few of us on. 


    Maybe Among Us and COD? I'm easy, so recommendations welcome 🙂

  2. Gran Turismo 7 FG Practice / Catch Up Night until

    As we've been off this for abit lets try and catch up and have a night of some races until late. Any newcomers more than welcome as we'll pick a few races on the night to have a quick practice and mini race on them.


    Hopefully looking to start up the Winter League again soon after this for anyone and everyone to give it a bash.

  3. FG Friday - Modern Warfare 2 until

    Get your name down for this week's FG Friday! I was thinking we could play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Multiplayer? It's always a night of fun and laughter.


    Event is from 20:30 GMT till late. Hope to see you there!


  4. FG Friday - Modern Warfare 2 until

    Get your name down for this week's FG Friday! I was thinking we could play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Multiplayer? It's always a night of fun and laughter.


    Event is from 20:30 GMT till late. Hope to see you there!

  5. FG Friday - Modern Warfare 2 until

    Get your name down for this week's FG Friday! I was thinking we could play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Multiplayer? It's always a night of fun and laughter.


    Event is from 20:30 GMT till late. Hope to see you there!


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