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slamminbones last won the day on February 25

slamminbones had the most liked content!



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Personal Gaming Info

  • First Console
    Commodore 64

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  • Gender
  • Location
    south wales

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slamminbones's Achievements

  1. FG Friday - Fall Guys

    As of this week, Fall Guys is now FREE TO PLAY FOR ALL!!!


    So to celebrate this occasion where all FGers can get hold of the same game, lets get on a huge private games session! Winner takes all the glory of FG!


    Get your name down people!!


    P.S. I expect many of us will be in PlayStation Game Room 1 chat so let us know if you're not in it and we'll add you 😄

  2. CoD MW2019 Multiplayer Night

    It keeps on giving so lets get another MW2019 Multiplayer evening up for anyone that wants to group up with FG. It's definitely helped me not lose as many games now!


    Keep RSVPing please and everyone can join one of the FG Game Rooms on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.

  3. GT7 FG Race Nights

    Its been a while, so lets get back driving! If we can get enough on, let's propose some races below and have a little few races with each other.


    Get your names down please!



  4. Modern Warfare Multiplayer!

    Been having a cracking time on this the last few weeks! 


    Lee is away this weekend so let's get a fair few of us on tonight and have a good old fashioned shoot out! 

  5. FG Group Up - Gran Turismo 7 Racing

    Let's start getting back into it in September, a few time trials or a few races ahead of giving another FG League a go starting in October.


    RSVP and we'll see in the GT chat room - if you're not in it, we'll get you added if you RSVP to this 👍

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