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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. Tekken. Bah. Way to slow and tactical for me. I never feel rewarded for landing a hit. I prefer the Mortal Kombat series. Or is that too low-brow for you Tekken fans? xD @Jordie Ive played every single last-gen Tekken game ever made. xD
  2. Pssh. Who doesnt? x) Had 3 characters...a sneaky hammer-wielding Argonian named Tali'Zorah, a duel-wielding Orc named Swag, and a sword-and-shield-using vampire Bosmer named Avaleene (who had the unfortunate habit of marrying people only to treat them like a blood bank).
  3. Angry Joe is pretty much the only game reviewer I trust. He recently released a compilation of previous moments celebrating 1,000,000 subscribers, and I lold the entire time.
  4. Now that's more like it! I hope you stick around, man. It'd be a damn shame for everyone to come and greet you and then for you to disappear like many new members do. xD
  5. Was JUST about to post that. x) Kept putting it off though. Cranston as Luthor would be marvelous. Again, let's hope he's written as the ruthless megalomaniac he's supposed to be.
  6. The British Mafia will not like that.
  7. We need some moar 'Muricans in here. x) Its nothing but "blah blah soccer blah blah" with these fellows!
  8. I can dig that. He can help sedate Snyder's tendency of screwing up characters and say "No, Batman wouldnt do/say that." Hopefully the movie doesnt turn into Batman Vs Superman. As much as I love me some Batman and am still eagerly anticipating a Bats versus Supes movie, this is a Superman movie at heart.
  9. They should make a movie adaptation of The Darkness. The video game though, not a big fan of comic book Jackie.
  10. Best answer ever. xD --- Ben Affleck should give some writing and director tips to Zack Snyder. Thats one involvement I wouldnt oppose.
  11. We are all downright ornery bastards here. Enjoy your stay!
  12. It is. Dont play it. You can just go to that DA Keep thing and choose the major desicions from DA2 there, anyway. Yeah I did. Notice the Mass Effect wheel? Dog gammit Bioware. xD
  13. I was a big fan DAO, yeah. But DA2...? Couldnt even get past the 1st few hours due to the lack of...oomph that the 1st one did. I felt like they tried to steal alot from different games. The DA-drought that resulted from that has, unfortunately, left me apathetic towards the series. On top of that, as much as Im curious about DAI, Im still wary of the now-infamous Bioware/EA partnership.
  14. Ah, SNES memories. I used to kick mass with Timberwolf and Spinal.
  15. o hai there. Hope you frequent this place as much as you do dA. This place is filled with great people. You should explain a bit more about yourself. 10 randoms facts about yourself will do nicely.
  16. There was a theory that Wobbles created the Tov persona for shock value and so that someone would finally agree with his commie speeches. 0.o
  17. The 2nd emblem in post ten (the one with the wine glass) as over 30 faves so far, yet the other one (the one Im really proud of) only has like 10. xD Thenkz. Im have a Ms. Zorah one here somewhere...but seeing as my emblem skills have improved Ill make another one. Im suing your Autocorrect for libel. x) lol you tried. x) Thanks!
  18. Someone critique my emblems, dod gammit! xD
  19. Whachoo say about my momma?
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