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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. I got 'chour hardened edition right 'ova here!Bada-BOOM!
  2. "8 and a half Scotlands" is my new band name.
  3. Keep the status update box! Like jsin said, if we really need to get rid of something, recent topics can go.
  4. An old video of mine Still gives me chills. x)
  5. There's another Forever Gaming? They better watch their backs.
  6. Bump. More people need to look at this thread and give feedback and suggestions, for it effects the entire forum community as a whole. So do so!
  7. The MTAR will take care of your filler needs. Equip a Stock on it and youre good to go. What have you perma-unlocked so far?
  8. Make a drunk comm.Do it, filly. *peer pressure*
  9. Yes. Confirmed during the MP reveal. All your stats and progressions will carry over (provided your GT is linked with ELITE/whatever it will be called. You can go 360-->One or PS3-->PS4.
  10. You damn better be drunk while recording!
  11. Im excited about this! Ooh, and for the merch-selling thing, I can make minimalistic Drifters with the tagline "My organ doner list includes my beard" and a really pissed-looking bee shouting "WHAT." Hell, pretty much any quote from here and there is comedy gold! /My body is ready //A Chookes shirt. I must make a Chookes shirt too.
  12. My sig?"I look to the sky and see a plane, and I ask myself 'Where's it headed? Who's traveling in it? What could they looking for in their search for something better?' " But fuhgawzzz was refering to my user title..."The new Auptyk". xD
  13. I'm on my mom's Kindle. She got it for Christmas last year.
  14. No, I'm seeing the actual forum on a mobile device.The mobile site is white.
  15. Yep, not at all what I'm seeing.Mine is perfectly centered (can't post a screenshot atm). /Variables, Expressions, and blank? What a nerd! x)
  16. Yeah.I've been staring at it, trying to see if it's just me...but it's centered on my side.
  17. This generation created and nourished a competitive spirit within me that will fester and rot until it the day it becomes my downfall. Fun!
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