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FallenDark200 last won the day on January 31 2021

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  1. Shouldn't it be vog first🤣 im mean it was the first destiny raid lol
  2. This video makes my shlong massive enough said.
  3. Streaming places for music I love spotify have had it for 5 years. Yes some of the files of spotfiy are not the top quality but you'd be surprised how close they are to other companies. I have used tidal and I hate tidal but there quality of music is great 👍 but I use Deezer along side spotify just for like a lot of older non well recorded songs. Most newer music you can't tell the difference in high audio quality files if you got a good Dac amp pushing your iems or cans. The trade off from switching to another media player is seriously vast unless you listen to old old music. Like old country, classic 50, 60s rock and some newer 70 and 80s once you hit the 80s and 90s depending one the genre you can catch very small I mean stupidly small things.
  4. If you wanna experience true full blown clarity and sound separation tribrids are a must. Litterally it's nutty I can't listen to music on shit headphones or iems anymore. I currently using shouer ejo7m tribrids that's cost 10 times as much as thr kzs and they only outperform in certain departments by margins and I also use a wireless dac so I can skip songs and have better input then my phone Input depending on your music library will matter but seriously kzs you can't go wrong. But like I said it boils down to what you listen to really so im no expert but I have my fair share in the hobby lol between all my audio equipment stuff I have id say for pure music enjoyment I have about 3k in it now if not more. But that's almost a 2 year length. Also expensive isn't always better in the audiophile realm. But if your purely just using iems and not over the ears you'll save your wallet trust me. Cans will get expensive as fuck for a really decent pair. For something to match those tribrids I mentioned you would spend about 500 bucks to match the sound quality you'd get out of a 40 to 50 buck iem lmfao.
  5. Oh and btw wireless earbuds are shit and alot of gaming headsets are dog water for music thats why I have a audiophile desk setup with my pc.
  6. Kz-Dq6 no more said if you wanna spend extra 10 bucks go for the new kz tribrids not telling you what to buy but I have multiple pairs of iems, ranging from cheap to expensive as hell and kz is a amazing company. 👏 enough said. Sorta what you said earlier your not going to notice the difference between a 30 dollar pair of kzs to a lot of 100 to 200 dollar iems unless there certain tunnings 300 to 500 you'll notice a marginal difference and 7 to 1000 you'll notice a bigger difference 😉 but only if you wanna spend money on something that crazy. I only req kzs for budget options then anything above that is magird Teas and above that is the shouer ejo7m then the unique melody mest. Soooooooo what am I saying is buy kzs get a good cable. Got a perfect place that's makes amazing cables for about 30 bucks that has lasted me in a dirt and steel environment and machine coolant environment for over a year now if you'd like.
  7. I might just see what a 4k monitor is like from Amazon and return it if I don't like it and just keep my monitor.
  8. I'd say around the 1k area, I can't afford to spend 3 to 5 thousand on a mini led oleds this or the next but 1k is more my budget area @GazzaGarratt
  9. Anyone here would be interested in giving me a input on what I should do for a monitor upgrade. So my pc is running a rtx 3080 and a ryzen 9 5900x currently my monitor is a MSI Optix MAG321CQR 32 1440p monitor and I didn't know if I should upgrade to 4k yet was looking at the gigabyte 32u or the new asus 32 inch 4k without the mini led anyone have insight on this. This monitor I have now is basically a budget monitor without hdr. Should I go high end 1440p monitor and wait fir 4k down the road or buy one now. I know with invidias newest gpu update I can compress my settings into 4k off of 1440p but not sure if I should go for the real thing or just wait for better pc upgrades.
  10. @Teenwolf25 has glady taking up collection up videos of what to do and what not to do things well here is clive using a Well at its tippy top potential 🤣
    im going to give this a 10/10 for fucking style points just saying why the hell not
  11. So I mentioned earlier in my one topic I wanted to start holding tournaments. Most of you know im destiny fan boy but im down to play other games as well. So my ideas would be maybe weekend tournaments or monthly tournaments to see where this goes. No exclusions everyone is welcome to participate all for fun and laughs. The idea behind tournaments are just another actively as a community we could put together as a group to help have more competive side of FG without being toxic because we are all family here because at the end of the day it would be fun Now for what would be in the tournaments would be any game that has a multiple people allowed to participate in for example: Destiny, COD, Battlefield, amoung us, fifa, gran turismo, etc... this is just some of the games I'd had ideas for tournaments for. Now what I would say "rules" to tournaments are 1. HAVE FUN 2. Enjoy each other's love for games 3. Kick some ass 🤟 So some of the examples of the tournaments we could do would be in Destiny we could do private match cruicble or gambit matches but to make it interesting we could do Raid races between teams or something even more creative in other games. So to end this off I wanna be competitive with my friends without the toxic side effects and to know we are doing it for fun. This could be in future to be apart of FG Fridays if @GazzaGarrattthinks it goes well. Please feel free to leave any feed back or comments here or discord much love.
  12. until

    That's generous I'd give him a 1.5 out 12
  13. True I understand the complexity behind it. I know the mule work would be a pain and a half to get it off the ground but your one guy. I totally agree with you and clive on the kindness thing and donating. I don't want it to come off as people have to do this, but as a group a family and a community the growth behind this could be huge if it takes off. I know im only one person who might not make a difference but to see it be possible for everyone to be in a tight nit circle doing things even more together monthly or quarterly in the beginning would be awesome. Just trying to get ideas out there that would be a good cause to make the circle bigger and closer and make people keep coming back and maybe to indever to meeting new people and playing other games myself included. Surely it's a idea but I could be wrong might not be situational for some. If we could just have a huge outcome would be mental. I know what it felt like to receive my Hoodie a year ago from fg and still wear it today proudly. Just trying to get options out there to make FG even more fun exciting and to have those real in life things to hold onto be like yeah look at this.
  14. I can see that sure. Definitely do a big trial run if we can get people behind it to see how it works then being able to up the ante and get bigger rewards prizes giveaways and tournaments running. Totally understand that. We could do a poll on maybe how many people who be interested in achieving something like this as well to maybe broaden the horizon of our outcome as well.
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