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Everything posted by Macca89

  1. Actually played against the 6th best player in the UK on PlayStation last night. 40th in the world. 3-0 down and managed to get a 3-3 draw and probably should of won, had @GazzaGarrattwatching and cheering me on. Makes me think if I should start entering a few tournaments.
  2. I'll laugh at Chelsea anyway 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. OK, so you see where AWB foot ends which is at the end of the blue line, well if you find a pic of Hadji Wright, his foot was partly in the red line so he was off. The law for handball states that if he moves towards the ball which he didn't, then its a pen, he moved his arm away and had his arm tucked in so never a penalty. Yes Cov played well, but they were played off the park for 70 mins, they were literally non existent until then, played well for the rest of the game. They weren't robbed at all. It was just a questionable call which I would of said should go towards the striker. And as much as anthony is a dick, Hadji Wright is too, as shows the pic below, that's why Anthony did what he did 👍🤣
  4. Yano something, I'm actually getting sick of it now, I couldn't care less anymore. Yes I felt for Cov, to have come back from 3-0 down and to have been so close and go out the way they did. I can't imagine the heartbreak. However, I have none stop seen posts on social media the last few days saying they have been cheated, blah blah blah, plastic utd fans this. First of all, if you actually look at the offside, where the blue line ends, is where AWB foot ends, then Hadji Wright's foot is slightly in the red line so therefore he is just off, however I still agree with Lee that advantage should go with the striker. But in the eyes of the law, he's off. 2nd of all, Coventry shouldn't of even got to extra time, the penalty that was awarded against AWB was absolutely shambolic, he was less than 2 yards away with his arm behind him and to his side, wtf was he meant to do, awful decision but nobody talks about that, if that was given against coventry there would be all out chaos. (Pic attached is 2 similar instances from this weekend which weren't given, yet nobody says a thing) 👀 Also, I'm absolutely sick of everyone labelling Utd "Plastic Fans", pretty sure I've seen about 10 people who I know who are Arsenal, Utd, Chelsea fans, all went down supporting Cov yet we are the plastics 🤣🤣🤣 On to the final 💪🤣
  5. Due to lack of numbers for GTA and others might nor have it downloaded, think Among us would be a nice crack! Get your names down!!!
  6. Loved this mate! Class stuff!
  7. Funny thing is mate, I've probably watched Watchmen about 5 times and like I said, I'm not saying it's a bad film, it's just not a good superhero film. Logan Avengers Infinity War Endgame Iron-man Thor Ragnorok Guardians 1 & 3 Shang Chi Spiderman 1 & 2 (Tobey) Spiderman No way home Black Panther 1 & 2 Captain America Winter Soldier Captain America Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises The Batman Justice League (Snyder Cut) Dr Strange All better 'Superhero' films for me. The thing with MCU pal to why people like it so much isn't due to attention grabbing explosions, it's because of the 10 year project they put together for the Infinity Saga, putting so many bits and pieces together and linking it all together at the end for 2 incredible films to close it out.
  8. And this proves why Watchmen is not a good superhero movie, it tries to cater to "highly educated" and goes way over the top for what it needs to be. Taking the superhero aspect out of it, probably a decent film, but your not going into a superhero film wanting to listen to bullshit political views for half the film, bored the living fuck out of me, felt like I was running a pub again listening to drunk pissheads talk about politics. 6/10
  9. Great shout this!!! Deffo up for it
  10. Not a chance mate, I'm in absolutely no rush whatsoever!
  11. Dude, I'll happily play the PS4 version again, no soldier leaves a man behind 💪💪 Also happy to stay on FIFA 23 until we all get the new one.
  12. I mean he's only giving his opinion, he apologised before he said it and it I mean it's not the first time someone has given there opinion on here on something outside of gaming 🤷🤣🤣
  13. Great read tbf mate, actually opened a Monzo account the minute I read this! Very informative 💪💪💪
  14. Think there are a fair amount of us available for tonight so let's forget about this miserable weather and have a classic FG Friday. Possible Games • Among Us • GTA Races • Wreckfest • Cod Multiplayer • Fall Guys
  15. EA Sports FC 24 official reveal in 10 mins!!
  16. Macca89

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    So with my unbeaten streak gone 😔 I've now set a new target, to be in the top 1000 in the world ranked on seasons. 💪😁 Atm out of 1.4 million players, I'm ranked 15,191..... My record standing at...... Games played 104 Wins 98 Draws 4 Losses 2 Winning the division 1 title 6 times. Will keep you all posted on my progress 💪💪
  17. Ultimate Edition Cover has been released!
  18. So sorry to hear, didn't have the pleasure of chatting or playing with him but seemed like a great lad. R.I.P 🙏 thoughts are with his family and close ones
  19. Macca89

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    "THE STREAK.....IS OVER" 73 - 1 It had to end at some point, unfortunately was due to some damn fine FIFA scripting, always hold my hand up if I'm beaten by the better man but damn shame it went this way, but genuinely proud that I managed to get this far, want to thank all of my FG family who took this journey with me, without you it wouldn't of been possible. ❤️💪
  20. Macca89

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    Got til probably October until EA FC mate, do it now pal, plenty of time 💪💪💪
  21. Macca89

    FIFA 23 with FG!

    Although it says 69 I've played another after this so now 70 unbeaten! Actually baffled that I haven't lost yet 😳😳
  22. FIFA 98 sound track defo! Can't do the YouTube for it 😭😭
  23. I'll be on new cod update tonight however going forward I'm down for GT nights again
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