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Macca89 last won the day on January 8

Macca89 had the most liked content!



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    Ps4, PS5 Xbox One - Fifa, Battlefield, Cod, WWE, PGA mainly but do like other games.

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  1. FG Friday - Among Us!

    14 people online for the first FG Friday last week was epic to see on Wreckfest - so lets have another banger of a catch up on FG Friday!


    Among Us is really easy to get onto it. Most of us will be on PS5, however I'm sure we can open it up to full crossplay - just mention if you are and we'll jump in discord if needed 😄



  2. FG Friday - Wreckfest! until

    Not sure there are many people who don't enjoy racing around on lawnmowers, on a sofa or inside a huge bus!


    Let's get some people back on this, this year for some carnage mayhem! It won't be long until the new game is out either!

  3. EA FC Pro Clubs session

    Another Monday, another clubs session?


    Mart did well as any last week so I am happy to vote him in again 😛 


    Get your names down if you are on this week please 🙂 

  4. FG Friday - Wreckfest!

    So seeing if we can get any Friday sessions on the go again, I am starting with Wreckfest as I know a fair few of us have this one.


    Get your names down and see if we can get a few of us together!

  5. Battlefield V Session

    Be good to get a squad of us on this, @KriessG is a brilliant BF player so he should be able to guide us to victory 😛 


    But yeah this game still holds up pretty well and it could be fun to get into this or something similar with COD having taken a back seat in recent months, I think at this stage it might be difficult to get back into that before the next game!

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