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Posts posted by Lemmy

  1. Being a BF fan since the onset the current situation really does pain me. I mean....how can you fuck it up so bad? We all know BF4 was amazing, and even Bf1 wasn’t too bad....but boy is V shite....


    ive still plowed more hrs into it than I should in the hope that it rights the ship, but it seems to get worse.


    rescue us CoD, you’re our only hope

  2. To be honest, never really got into Gran Turismo, I do prefer an arcade style racer to be fair.....although I was really into DriveClub and do enjoy F1


    FPS wise, mostly Overwatch and BFv....although the latter has turned into utter tripe so hopefully CoD can bring it back this year, everything looks good so far 😄 


    Also, I'm in the UK, near Oxford and thanks for the welcomes 



  3. Afternoon


    Lemmy here, been after a decent gaming community for a while now....haven't dipped my toes into it for a few years now.

    Been gaming since I was old enough to hold the Atari 2600 controller....yep, that long ago.


    Play both Xbox and PS4, big fan of both racing and FPS games.....


    Well there it is.....cheers

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