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Everything posted by Shocketh

  1. Build the starting jungle item, health pot x5, max drain, and get a good leash at blue. Should be easy then. Blue gives you insta level 2, smite it early because of the reduced CD on smite now, kill wraiths, go to Red, level 3, then kill wolves, then go back, buy, and head top/bot.
  2. Split push all game, that's what he's good for.
  3. Lux scales really well with shields, put pretty much it's a troll game.
  4. Game's a blast, and if you set up a private match with just friends you can do it on the ARAM map(No idea the name of it) and it's just endless amounts of fun.
  5. You want the armor for more tankiness.
  6. Most champs (barring support and jungle) you want flat armor yellows, scaling MR blues, and armor pen/magic pen reds. AP/Move Speed quints. Support I think you take magic regen, gp5 quints, and stuff like that.
  7. Well as Ryze specifically you're an AP carry pretty much. You sit in the back and poke. Land your stuns, your ults. Be aware of the map. If you don't have wards up, it's even more of a negative. You see 2 people pushing bot, no eyes on 3 of the other team, you don't push up mid to the inhib turret, you're pretty much begging to get ganked. It depends on what's going on and your playstyle, and like the others have said, practice.
  8. The fear is insanely OP paired with his silence.
  9. Man, I've been following him since XFactor.
  10. Yeah it's bros before hoes, but not bros before your girlfriend... ahahah
  11. Udyr is an amazing jungler for the more experienced. His stun paired with excenllent timing on ganks is a definite kill for your top or bottom lane which puts that lane ahead. Yi is only good if he gets fed early, and just needs to be part of the cleanup crew because his Q resets on kills. Tryndamere is a complete prick to play against. An OP ult that encourages tower diving, a slow, plus being able to esacpe easily with his axe spin? Plus he doesn't die, and doesn't take much skill IMO, all you have to do it auto attack and win. Soraka and Taric are good supports, but no one plays them much because other supports outshine them much more, such as Zyra and Thresh. Alistar is mainly used as support now, but you don't see him much because again, other supports outshine him. Nunu gets banned. Tristana is a good ADC, and an amazing AP is you play her well mid. She can burst someone down with her combo in like 3 seconds with her W, E, then R. And lastly. I've been loving playing Annie as support. It's something I saw in the LCS and is amazing. If you line up her stun with Ult at level 6 bot lane with a competent ADC, it's a forsure kill.
  12. Astroo. Check out his free mixtapes. They go hard. (The Astronomical Kid)
  13. I'm really pumped up and exicted for his new album. Certain songs more exicted for than others, especially Love Game with Kendrick Lamar.
  14. Forsure, I start work this next week though, so hopefully I catch you on
  15. If you want really good commentary and on how to play the game, go watch http://www.twitch.tv/wingsofdeath , he is an amazing playing and a sub for TSM, but non elitist, and will actually give advice.
  16. I'll be on for a good while tomorrow if you're on.
  17. I'm an Eminem fan boy. Listening to Rap God now. Opinion when finished. 2 minutes in. Rap God completely shits all over the other two. All 3 songs are far better than the past 2 albums imo, so I have high hopes. Berzerk was complete trash when I first heard it, love it now. Survivial was too hyped up for me, with it being Ghosts and all when it was first heard. I like it, but Rap God is amazing. At 4:25, he fucking killed it.
  18. For most AP champs you want to take AP quints, flat armor seals, scaling MR glyphs, and flat magic pen marks.
  19. I'll be on pretty much all day tomorrow, till about 10 PM EST if anyone wants to play.
  20. Cool it worked now. My puppy when she was 5 months old. Her now and how my cat likes to take naps
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