Damn, ya’ll need some D2 loving. And I’m here to give it to ya. What’s not to like??
you have normal run of the mill casual stuff like Gambit, strikes, planetary stuff to do. If you like getting your arse kicked in PvP then there’s some crucible.
3 class of characters all with their own subclasses and individual abilities depending on your play style.
Some weapons are good, some are shit, it also depends on your play style, whether your an offensive player or defensive player.
There’s some good hard stuff you can run that’s 3man ie the dungeons. These are like mini 3man raids with little mechanics to them. They’re only hard if you’re on your own otherwise they’re pretty enjoyable.
Then there’s the creme de la creme content, the hardcore, the endgame pinnacle activities like Grand master and master VOG. Don’t be fooled tho, they’re not for the faint hearted. If you’re a player that likes to run into a room over populated with enemies and melt them with an smg then I think you’ve been watching too much Gladd etc. 😂
There’s plenty of quest lines you can do for certain weapons. I’m not sure what it’s like to buy the weapons now after the big sunsetting of y1 stuff. Others. Can answer that.
Either way there’s something for everyone.
Im just a casual player that does the easy stuff tho. 🤷♂️😎