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OTC Mike

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OTC Mike last won the day on February 10 2014

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  1. Yeah, I come around from time to time. Don't post alot, but read a few threads here and there.
  2. I've watched all the episodes from the beginning. I don't always 100% agree with what he says, but he always makes it worth watching, whether you agree or not.
  3. Why not just use one of the modpacks on the FTB launcher/AT Launcher and update from that. Pick the largest pack and then update from there. You can disable any of the mods you don't want and if there are some that you want added, they are easy to add = download mod -> drag and drop into folder. Seems easier that way, no?
  4. I play Black Ops 2 daily. Unless you like TDM, the only other game you can really get into is NukeJacked which is 9v9 on either Nuketown or Hijacked. Mixed game modes and mixed core/hardocre.
  5. I also noticed you hated Cites XXL. I dabbled a little bit into it. It was my first game like this and didn't really mind it. It did seem fairly easy though. One thing I like about that game over Skylines is that you could add in the different classes of housing versus this game where they level up.
  6. Never played any of the Sims, but...yep sounds like Skylines has all the stuff you didn't like. Personally I like all the micromanagement. It was a bit tough to get used to at first, but now that I have a better understanding of how it works I enjoy it. I feel it prolongs the game and really makes you work at building up your city. But also, like I said - I do have a city that has unlimited money and everything unlocked from the beginning. You still have to run power lines/water lines etc, but since resources are unlimited, you can just spend 20 minutes building all that at the beginning and not really have to worry about that too much.
  7. I picked it up on release and had a tough time getting a city going in the beginning. I kept running into a budget deficit that I couldn't climb out of. Not unexpected really as it is my first game of this type. I've finally got a decent size city going now, but am only scraping by. Still need to figure out the best optimization of school/fire/police locations to cover the most area. Bart - explain what you mean by Sims 2k as I'm not familiar with that game and want to know what you mean. I do have one city where I'm playing with unlimited money and all features unlocked and that is actually tons of fun.
  8. I've been watching this show for years. I love it. I'll even watch reruns. I've even gotten my 5 year old daughter to watch it with me, even though she doesn't even know half the stuff they are making. They have a whole "side" show that is all about luxury/exotic cars that is pretty cool as well.
  9. So much metal in this thread... Here, relax for a bit
  10. Don't do it. This game is optimized horribly for PC. COD on PC is dead. The numbers are dwindling so fast. If there are 1,000 players online at any given time, it's a good day.
  11. Hendricks is the only Gin I'll drink. Ask for a hendricks and tonic. If they serve it with a cucumber, you know you're in a place that knows what they're doing.
  12. The 4096 tile is impossible I think. Hence the name 2048. You would need one of each of the following tiles: 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 Plus other tiles that add to 8, but you've run out of spaces. My highest is like 11,000. Have broken 10,000 a few times. Average score probably in the 7,000 - 8,000 range.
  13. I'll spend Monday like I have for the past 9 years. I'll wake up and go to the same parade I have been going to since I was a little kid. At some point during the parade my wife will ask when I'm going to walk or ride in it, and I'll dance around an answer by telling her "maybe someday." At some point during the parade I'll wander off and find a place where I can be alone and I'll end up breaking down in tears as I think about my friends who didn't come back from Iraq, and their families and their kids who have to endure this day with out their husbands and fathers. I'll eventually make my way back to the parade and watch my daughter grab candy that is thrown from the floats, pretending to have a good time. After the parade I'll get home and start setting up for a picnic that I always have at my house. The day will go on as usual, and as usual I'll drink myself into oblivion, call 3 or 4 of my buddies that I still keep in touch with from the Marine Corps and see how their day is going - usually the same as mine - Hating life and pissed off at all the people who look at this day as just another day off from work and a reason to get drunk with their friends. At some point later on in the night I'll black out and pass out - hopefully in my bed. And if it's a really special day, like the one 6 years ago, I'll wake up around 2:30am, take off my clothes, grab my car keyes and tell my wife I'm going to play golf and I'll be back in a few hours. (true story)
  14. Every gun is amazing in HC
  15. Fright Night was one of my favorite movies, along with Deadly Friend and Rad
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