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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. I thought this place was getting a little monotonous lately. Lets bring it back up to the old MW2 Forum standard
  2. How old are they? Jesus haha. I want some...
  3. Have a look at the Logitech UE Boom. Never had a hold of one myself but they're apparently pretty fucking loud.
  4. Roughly how much are you willing to spend?
  5. I wouldn't mind Beats if they weren't massively overpriced and worn by everyone. There are much better headphones our for less money.
  6. After snapping my previous headphones (Chambers by RZA) I went and ordered a pair of V MODA Crossfade LP headphones. I've had a number of copmliments on the aesthetics of the headphones, since in my opinion they are both more striking and more unique than other headphones. The bass they put out is ridiculous, though it's going to take some burn time before the mids and highs start to come out better. Anyone else a sucker for a nice pair of headphones?
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/? This website has absolutely everything you need. If you get the mod manager from there, it practically does all the work for you. The most endorsed files of all time have some great mods. Just look at what takes your fancy.
  8. I Don't know if they'll be able to attract players back into the club. Almost feel bad for the relatively smaller teams who can't keep players long enough to build.
  9. Recently made a dual-dagger, sneak character on legendary. That's been very challenging but fun.
  10. Lallana's set for a medical at Liverpool http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/jun/27/adam-lallana-liverpool-southampton
  11. I was lucky enough to meet Eoin Colfer at an event he held near me. Real funny and genuine guy. Managed to get my copy of Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox signed by him
  12. My favourite character was a stealth Mage. Illusion can make enemies fight amongst themselves or run scared, and destruction magic is fun as hell. Alteration and conjuration can also be useful, letting you turn invisible or summoning Daedra to fight for you. Silent casting is essential for the stealth route. My only problem with stealth archery is that you can get to the point where you one shot everything and there's no challenge.
  13. The Alchemist. Almost everything in that book has a deeper meaning and I was amazed how much I missed when I read it a second time. Probably go for read number 3 when I leave for holiday on Monday.
  14. My computer decides to fuck up just as the Steam Sales come around. #gamerproblems
  15. They left out my favourite quote from the books. Gutted. “Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.” - Tyrion
  16. Martin's not even finished writing the books yet. We're coming up to the end of A Storm of Swords which is the third book.
  17. I say it time and time again, one of my top 5 games of all time. Also been free on games with gold recently.
  18. Oops D:Nothing I made could be as agonisingly evil as your current sig anyway XD
  19. Which awesome, intelligent, hilarious member made that?In relation to the thread: 1. I've been a part of this community since I was 14 (I'm 18 now). During this period I've had to put up with a lot of bullshit IRL, that I think only 1 other member might be aware of. When I've been having a hard time I come here, not to post about it, simply to take my mind off things. We all deal with Enough BS in real life, so let's keep this sanctuary of ours clean from it. 2. We're all (mostly) mature here. If you can spot that a thread your involved in is turning ugly, just walk away. 3. Y'all are awesome. Let's keep it that way.
  20. To be honest the England game looked fixed to me. The second goal was well within the goalies reach, yet he didn't go for it. The second he just let go of the ball. I know it was probably nothing, but it looked just a little dodgy to me.
  21. I saw the trailer and it looked pretty funny. Lot of good stuff in the cinema at the moment.
  22. Just got back from seeing X-Men: Days of future past. Wasn't expecting great things but it turned out to be a lot better than expected. Plenty of epic scenes including a particularly impressive scene with Evan Peters' Quicksilver. It was also pretty weird hearing Peter Dinklage with an american accent...
  23. Figured this was appropriate today.
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