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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Yeah, have you tried any of the Sated Devourer junglers? They're super fun atm.
  2. Lux is pretty fun. You should also try out Morgana. She's pretty similar. Has such a huge impact on the game if you can land some clutch snares. I've mostly been playing ranked, and the HUD is not out on there yet. However, I've played some normal games, and I like it for the most part. I really don't like the fact that your teammates health are on the bottom left. It's much harder to look at it IMO. I like that you can move the players around on the scoreboard. It looks cleaner I think. I enjoy it. What is your opinion on it?
  3. I don't know if any of you guys besides Tommy still plays, but I'm down to play some games if anyone is down. Just give me a time.
  4. Got it on Steam and I've been playing it like crazy since I've got it. It's super fun.
  5. That actually took me a solid 10min to figure out how to post this. Good god.
  6. This bummed me the fuck out. I'm still sad. From what I read, he was a great guy. His movies and stand-up were funny as hell. RIP.
  7. Pumped. Looks like Titanfall. But a good game, and no titans. I'm down to buy it.
  8. I know right? I get put up against a Lee sin, and I feel like I took a wrong turn in Diamond.
  9. I hate when new champions come out. Because then I have to ban him in ranked for two reasons. 1) So my team doesn't feed with him 2) So their team doesn't go ham on him. It's like the Master Yi effect.
  10. Yeah, Yasuo is a bitch to play against. For the most part, if I'm ever playing a mage in ranked, and I see an assassin, I'll take exhaust. It really helps minimize the damage they can do to you when they try to burst you down.
  11. Yeah, the headhunter skin is pretty awesome. Has a futuristic look to it, which I like. As for Ziggs, I'm not too sure. Seeing how you're playing Team Builder, you're essentially going in blind, so I'd pick just the standard Flash/Ignite or Flash/Ghost. Regardless if you have your W to be used as an escape, it's usually never as reliable as a flash. Just my opinion. Actually, if you're up against an assassin, and you know it before-hand, you should take exhaust. Exhaust will ignore 40% damage you take while they're exhausted, as well as shredding 10 armor and MR.
  12. http://youtu.be/j4GAs9TJVjM Official AMC trailer from Comic Con.
  13. I mean, I'd make fun of anyone in NoobzZz clan.. Pfft.
  14. I'm kind of excited to play Graves again. I've been watching C9 Sneaky playing it a lot, so when I get my account back, I'll probably give it a try. I'm also pretty happy that heal got a nerf. I always enjoyed barrier more. I've been waiting for that Headhunter Caitlyn skin for fucking ever. And I wish they'd release it already, but it wasn't even mentioned on 4.13, which kind of makes me sad. I'm getting tired of mages as well. I miss assassins. :c
  15. http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/the-walking-dead-season-4-returns Shows some new clips for the back eight episodes. I'm pumped.
  16. Yeah, if you can get used to Kassadin, he's a really good champion to have. Super mobile.
  17. Although Caitlyn is good, she seems to fall of late game if she can't get fed. Cait wins lanes, Vayne wins games.
  18. I seem to carry ranked games by jungling Vi. She's such a solid champion, and she can basically close any gap. Shyvana is also my other go-to jungler. And I agree with Tommy, don't give up on Ziggs. If you can stick through and learn him, he is by far one of the most dominant mid laners in the game.
  19. If anyone is getting a RP card for christmas, we can mystery gift. I have about 2k RP set aside for mystery gifting. They have champion mystery gifts now.
  20. He was choking on his own blood, if he's not dead, then the writers are complete idiots. I think it was risky enough having the governor and prison arc last more than one season, but to bring him back AGAIN? That'd be stupid. But THAT is a mid-season finale! It's actually the highest rated episode of TWD on imdb as of now, holding a 9.6 rating. I was happy to see them throw in a lot of comic events in there. I'm really looking forward Season 4b. From what i've heard, the next episode is centered on Carl, which should be cool. I feel like more of the group should have died in the fight though. And I'm pretty sure either Michonne or those girls picked Judith up before they left. But other than that, it was a fantastic episode. The fight between the Governor and Rick was awesome, and I was just really impressed with it. It felt like the first 4 episodes were just fillers, and were pretty boring.
  21. I have no idea what that most recent update did to my connection, but after 3.14 I lag out of games and get ping spikes ~400. I can only usually finish out custom games with myself and bots. Sucks.
  22. Instead of creating a new topic, figure i'd just use this one. So recently they had the Mystery Gifting thing again, but this time it was only for yourself. This is what I got.. Pulsefire Ezreal Uncle Ryze Obsidian Malphite TPA Mundo Toxic Mundo I'm pretty happy. Did any of you guys gift yourself anything?
  23. This. This. This. This. THIS! I hate that game with a passion.
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