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Everything posted by Mikepjbell

  1. We'll need to scale down on the final version, I don't think many of us could take the kind of girth he's used to.
  2. I think I speak for everyone here when I say, when can I order a FG branded buttplug?
  3. @GazzaGarratt do you think a weekly or bi-weekly email newsletter would be a good idea? I'm quite happy to help with the same, but it'd maybe be a good way of emailing clan updates and activities, upcoming events, new joiners, etc etc. It's maybe a fair amount of effort so i guess it's a question of the value gained from putting time into it.
  4. Good afternoon gents. Are we expected to all select the same faction or would we like to in order to concentrate efforts and progress going forward, or shall we simply select whichever faction sounds good to us? I'm honestly not sure if there is any specific advantage to everyone selecting the same faction but thought I'd ask in any event.
  5. When creating calendar events on the FG website, are we able to add people to an event and have it automatically send them an email as notification that they've been added?
  6. Did we manage to do trials by any chance? I'm also assuming we're at reset now as of this evening so we'll have a new bunch of things going, including this factions thing which I need to read up on.
  7. @Capn_Underpants are you referring to the PS4 'communities'?
  8. Lee let me know if you need any help with the admin of this site. I have a background in websites.
  9. could we delay for 30 minutes by any chance?
  10. Am I going to need new eyeballs?
  11. How do I join your WhatsApp group? I'm not really up to date with all this social media mumbo jumbo
  12. I'm 275 now so should be there or there abouts!
  13. Think this is my best crucible score yet! Just thought I'd post this as I'm waiting for the wife to finish eastenders and I'd rather do anything else than watch it. Anyway post y'scores in here chaps.
  14. Hi there. I'm Mike and I live in Cambridge with my wife and two children whom I love and adore... sometimes. I'm good friends with misneach and lordbaguette both of whom I've known for a number of years. Other interesting things about me, I'm a project manager for a technology company, I'm obsessed with rocket league (but destiny 2 is quite quickly becoming a second obsession). My psn handle is mikepjbell. Feel free to add me I'm on most evenings as I have very little else going on in life right now.
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