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Racist Giraffe

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Everything posted by Racist Giraffe

  1. Normally between 10 and 15 in attrition. Never played CTF, but in Hardpoint it varies a lot. Sometimes i'll be trying to capture hardpoints all game and only get like 5, and sometimes i'll guard a hardpoint in my titan and get about 25. The most i've ever got in a game is 125, but even then i only killed 12 pilots. All those minion kills really add up..
  2. Just watched Paranormal Activity: The marked ones. It was okay. There's actually a story in the series, something to do with witches and a family heritage of demons, which is starting to make sense. Even if it isn't the best storyline, it's still pretty creepy to watch, especially with all the jump scares. Plus there was an awesome Mexican gangster with a shotgun vs army of witches scene so that was amazing
  3. Saw two birds fighting over some milk at the beach a few years ago. Probably the most interesting thing i've ever seen to be honest
  4. It's crazy how much money some of them are making though. Apparently Pewdiepie is making $825,000-$8.47 million a year. If someone is making that much money by just recording themselves playing video games then there's going to be millions of others who will try to do the same, which kinda kills the community as everyone is in it for money.
  5. Suarez with another hatrick... He's got the most league goals in Europe, and he's drawing with Fabregas for most assists. Ridiculous.
  6. Yeah he's not very good at finishing.. or heading.. and he's really weak. But he's fun to dribble with, if you still have good wingers/midfielders who can score! Costa is Spanish now so there's not really much choices.. Just wish i could afford Neymar haha
  7. That was the most recent one from when i was at Jury Duty a few days ago. Please excuse the dramatic instagram filter
  8. The wolf of wall street. It was really good! But i wouldn't say it was movie of the year like a lot of others are
  9. This is horrible. Most people are just thinking about what happened to the plane, or making up their own conspiracy theories and jokes, but you have to spare a thought for the families in this. Imagine your wife/dad/friend/whatever just completely vanished. Thousands of people and multiple countries are searching, but nobody has any idea in the slightest what happened to them. Hoping it turns out well but you couldn't imagine that happening at this point..
  10. Dude we should play Titanfall 4 sometime i hear they added Dinosaur warfare
  11. I think Microsoft might be trying to focus on Titanfall/Halo for the Xbox One. Would make sense for Sony to do this, or they'd end up losing a lot of FPS games to Microsoft.
  12. The game is pretty great! I've got like 6 hours play time and some pros and cons. Pros: Very fast paced, no campers. Titans make the gameplay really unique. Weapons are balanced. Literally no lagg. Bots make it easy for bad players to have good games. Cons: Not a lot of customization. Not much weapons. 99% of players use the AR. There's no team balancing. The online campaign sucks. I've completed both and i have no idea in the slightest what happened. There's no private matches/other mode, like zombies or horde or whatever I do love the game though. I think Titanfall 2 will be when it really becomes the best FPS game out there. They've already mastered the gameplay, now they can spend more time on other features for the next game!
  13. That result on Sunday was amazing! Even better than the 4-0 against Everton, or the 5-1 against Arsenal, or the 0-4 against Spurs. Damn this has been a great season. But yeah i was pretty disappointed in the Sturridge dive. Suarez has cut that out, and the last thing we need is Sturridge bringing all the criticism back. Rest of the season should be exciting. The top 4 has already been decided, but the title is still up for grabs. Obviously Chelsea/City are the favourites, but Liverpool/Arsenal could still win it if a few results go their way! Regardless, Champions league football was the goal and it's looking like we'll get it!!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGTDL3uGUOs Recorded this earlier! The whole parkour movement style is what makes me love this game! Datteninja!
  15. Played a few games just now and holy crap this game is amazing
  16. That last episode was insane. I don't remember ever watching any episode of any tv show that had that effect on me. I had to stop it like twice and say 'holy crap'. I reckon next season will wrap everything up and end the series. Jax will probably be arrested at first, but it's clear he didn't kill Tara or Eli so he'll get off. It'll probably end up with a Juice/Gemma/Nero/Unser v Jax & Sam Crow situation. Add in all the Mayan/Chinese/Pope dispute, and next season is going to be bloody. A sequel would be incredible. Might be difficult to implement though. The actors who play Gemma/Clay/Piney would need to be in it, and they're not getting any younger. Maybe a sequel of Chibs in Ireland? Or another charter? Ahh there's so many possibilites. Hopefully they do something. We've already lost Dexter/Breaking Bad recently, we can't lose Sons of Anarchy.
  17. Looks like it! Arsenal/City/Chelsea could all win, but Liverpool/Everton are playing well enough to win it aswell. United/Spurs might even pick up form later in the season and have a chance at it. The leagues definitely more exciting than last year anyways!
  18. Damnit. But that episode was amazing. I've been in love with the Governor for the last season and a half, but 5 minutes after he showed up at the prison i was rooting for someone to kill him. Well it's all uphill now! Most of the best episodes were when the group was on the move, and most of the worst were when they were staying in the once place.
  19. I think he's too important to die. I'd be surprised if he was even involved in the fight, he'll probably be with the women and children or treating the wounded. One of the new people will probably die. The big black guy looks like he'll do something stupid & get himself killed.
  20. You're definitely going to want to do something with yourself. Starting to workout again would be a great idea! Maybe take up another hobby? Going to college would be good, but i can understand not wanting to spend so much money on something you're not sure about. Even something simple as hanging out with friends more would help. Or if possible, you could try to get a girlfriend? Depression is much worse if you go through it alone, having someone like that by your side would be really helpful. I don't really know much about you or your situation but you need to keep yourself occupied! How about every night before bed, you write down 10 things you want to achieve tomorrow. They don't need to be big things, just little ones. E.g, Go a walk, Update my PPR, Message 3 old friends, clean out the attic, ect ect Or you could try looking forward towards the future. Just think in 10 years you'll be living in a house somewhere with your wife & you'll have a child and a pet dog named Scruffy! You'll sit at the table every morning and eat breakfast together, then all go off to work/school. You'll get home and relax with some tv, maybe help your child out with their homework, walk the dog and then fall asleep in bed with the woman you love. That's not impossible, theres even a lot of people on here who are already living that. It may not sound really exciting, but isn't it worth living for?
  21. Gonna post here again since i've played more Single Player: - Cars keep disappearing - Pretty boring once completed - Only a few heists Online: - Everyone shoots you on sight - Passive mode stops working in vehicles - Radio stations have like 4 songs each (or it seems that way) - Missions are repetitive and boring until you're about level 35 - Races are decided within 10 seconds of starting. Whoever doesn't crash will nearly always win - Everyones character looks pretty similar - There's hacking out there now I think that's about it.. still an awesome game though! Will be much better once they bring out new content.
  22. I don't think it was really dive, but it shouldn't have been a penalty. Good results today being a Liverpool fan! Hoping for a United win tomorrow, it'll slow Arsenal down.
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