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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. That would be Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I hated the crypt! Creeped me out and the zombies/skeletons comi g out of the walls was hard to kill.
  2. Just skimmed throught this and I can`t say that I`m in awe.. Not too much footage to get a solid feeling for it, but feels a bit cartoonic and he played on next second best and the enemies seemd pretty dumb. Looking forward to more about the game though and hope it picks up.
  3. Do traffic a favor and keep your ps4 Thought you had a licence and a car already?
  4. Need to check this out tonight! Loved Retur to Castle Wolfenstein so absolutely interested!
  5. Funny a couple times, but I got tired of it after the third clip.
  6. That was my entire team on Nansha last night. Played against techno and I was the only one capping flags and I think I was the only one that had any kills. We lost 0-295. We were 3 vs 4 or something I got a PAR with my defibs at least
  7. Holy fuck! At least cut his balls off so he can`t make more kids to kill!
  8. On a second thought. I miss a PART of the game.
  9. I miss running around in BO2 Hardcore with the B23R. But broke the disc and also sold my ps3.
  10. I don`t play that much Conquest but think the highest killgame I`ve seen is around 40 kills. So good job
  11. If I die without getting any shots in, I`m a moron. Problem is that I too often shoot first, get several hitmarkers,but die from their pistol/shotgun. Stats are nice and all, but in game it seems a whole different story. I haven`t even called them OP, just that the range seems too long.
  12. When you lose a gunfight AR vs handgun at medium range enough times you`ll understand. And pistols aren`t that hard to use. And a shotgun should not be a one/two hit kill at 50 meters and up.
  13. Hit detection as of now is making this game almost unplayable. And alot of the maps are extremely sniper friendly. Pistols and shotguns have too much range imo.
  14. I have the exact same issues as you on PS4. Plus lousy hit detection.
  15. A guy at work had some laggy games on pc last night.
  16. I saw they had a test server couple nights ago.
  17. I`ve had one game with major lag. Rest was fine other than the usual spawn in with half the terrain there and no gun etc. I`m more worried about hit detection.
  18. Only played tdm so far but maps seems a little big for this gamemode. If the enemy has the high ground on Operation Mortar it feels like Hamburger Hill. But not too shabby still. Maps dont load properly at the start sometimes.
  19. One thing that bugs me though. Dont know if its the controllers fault but when I change firerate on the gun the defibrillator comes out instead.
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