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Dockter got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Dedi servers?
Ghosts also introduces a first for the series: dedicated servers. This helps get rid of a good deal of lag, and it eliminates the slight player-host advantage that exists now. How these work out in a public setting remains to be seen.
Update: The dedicated servers are not online yet, which may be causing some odd issues. Ghosts is designed with these servers in mind. Switching to a player-hosted format may be the reason people are having problems finding games to join. No word on when dedicated servers go live.
Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/call-duty-ghosts-questions-answered/#ixzz2k4zp9G6n
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Dockter got a reaction from L_C_Scipio in Ghosts - Beginning Tips - Post what you find
If when creating a new squad member you select stealth the Honeybadger and off the grid are unlocked from the start.
Honeybadger is beast imo.
Dockter got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Ghosts - Beginning Tips - Post what you find
If when creating a new squad member you select stealth the Honeybadger and off the grid are unlocked from the start.
Honeybadger is beast imo.
Dockter got a reaction from Just Cal in Goodbye BO2 and Hello Ghosts
I'm in the same boat. I would have stopped playing months ago if they wouldn't have added hc dom. I don't know the last time I played core besides when I was just trying to get a couple challenges done. Without going to hc I would have had under 5 days in BO2. I think after they see how the new game modes go they will bring back a bit more hc (I'm hoping) and some of the other favorites. I see them adding S&D for sure.
.99 kd
272 spm
win% 43
prestige 8
almost 15 days in game lol
.90 kd
win % 45
prestige 14
almost 20 days ingame
This made me realize I play way to much CoD.
Dockter got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Poor me thread
Thanks for all the great responses. I guess this is why I felt comfortable writting this here. I don't have much time at work today beings I got put on a project (something I'm actually looking forward to). I just want to say thanks to everyone that responded and it actually helped to get it out. I haven't talked to anyone about any of this and as soon as I wrote it I felt a little better. Hoping to get on tonight after work before pool. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks to you all and it's good to know I have somewhere to go that I can get shit out without feeling like an idiot.
Dockter got a reaction from Diddums in Poor me thread
Thanks for all the great responses. I guess this is why I felt comfortable writting this here. I don't have much time at work today beings I got put on a project (something I'm actually looking forward to). I just want to say thanks to everyone that responded and it actually helped to get it out. I haven't talked to anyone about any of this and as soon as I wrote it I felt a little better. Hoping to get on tonight after work before pool. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks to you all and it's good to know I have somewhere to go that I can get shit out without feeling like an idiot.
Dockter got a reaction from uberwarrior in Poor me thread
Thanks for all the great responses. I guess this is why I felt comfortable writting this here. I don't have much time at work today beings I got put on a project (something I'm actually looking forward to). I just want to say thanks to everyone that responded and it actually helped to get it out. I haven't talked to anyone about any of this and as soon as I wrote it I felt a little better. Hoping to get on tonight after work before pool. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks to you all and it's good to know I have somewhere to go that I can get shit out without feeling like an idiot.
Dockter got a reaction from tronic44 in Poor me thread
Thanks for all the great responses. I guess this is why I felt comfortable writting this here. I don't have much time at work today beings I got put on a project (something I'm actually looking forward to). I just want to say thanks to everyone that responded and it actually helped to get it out. I haven't talked to anyone about any of this and as soon as I wrote it I felt a little better. Hoping to get on tonight after work before pool. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks to you all and it's good to know I have somewhere to go that I can get shit out without feeling like an idiot.
Dockter got a reaction from tronic44 in Poor me thread
I really don't know why I'm even writting this, just need to get some of this out and this is the only forum I'm on and although I don't talk to many of you much this place is probably the best corner of the net.
So I'm in a rough spot lately. For anyone that read the drugs thread on the old forum know that I started messing with that stuff early and sold and was heavily addicted to coke until about the age of 23. I lived off and on with my dad from 10-16 but he was never really around even when I lived there. I have very little contact with him today even though we live in the same city. My mom is going through a pretty rough divorce and the guy she is divorcing I was very close to but he straight up lied to me and had been having an afair for over a year. He is actually the only older male I've ever been close to and looked to him for guidance. I haven't talked to him in about 4 months. Along with this my grandma has COPD. They have given her about 6 months to live. I lived with my grandma off and on all through my childhood and also lived with her from 16-18 and after I got back from Job Corps in Utah. She has pretty much always been my rock. I've been with a girl for about 5 years that I've honestly never thought was forever. Earlier this month I finally had the balls to sit down and talk to her because we want such different things. She wants marraige and kids and I honestly couldn't see that with her. I know I never seen myself marrying her and having kids scare the hell out of me. My parents were not the best parents and I'm afraid of failing. Also I know that if anything ever happened to one of my kids I would not be able to recover. I know I wouldn't recover I know I would relapse and I know I would not come out of it. I love kids to death and everyone says what a great dad I would be but I don't think I have the balls for it.
Now to the main reason for posting. I'm 27 and I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and don't know what to do. I'm not happy with my job I've been at for 7 years. I work for Wells Fargo and I'm on the computer all day but I don't know what I want to do. I've got comfortable here and stopped caring. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm alone and find something to turn my brain off. I've started drinking more than I should again and right now it helps but I know it wont keep helping. I've thought about stuff I know I shouldn't do but I feel like my will power to stay away from it is becoming less and less every week. I've gotten out of shape yet can't find the energy to get out and workout like I used to love doing. Honestly for the most part real life interaction with people lately just stresses me out more and tires the shit out of me to the point that I lock myself in my apartment most nights and when I get to work I put on my headphones and don't talk to anyone. I feel like it takes me a week just to recover from going out and hanging out with people although I still try to do it so my family will stop worrying. I think I've been depressed for a long time yet don't want to see a dr because I hate the pills they normally push on me. Basically I feel like I'm losing everything that meant something to me in my life and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I always like to be in control and lately I feel lost and don't know what the hell to do. Does anyone know how to break out of this funk without the use of pills? I hate how the shit they normally prescribe make me feel or not feel. I feel like a fkn zombie with the shit they put me on and I would rather be pissed off at the world than have no feeling at all.
Dockter got a reaction from kylebees in Poor me thread
I really don't know why I'm even writting this, just need to get some of this out and this is the only forum I'm on and although I don't talk to many of you much this place is probably the best corner of the net.
So I'm in a rough spot lately. For anyone that read the drugs thread on the old forum know that I started messing with that stuff early and sold and was heavily addicted to coke until about the age of 23. I lived off and on with my dad from 10-16 but he was never really around even when I lived there. I have very little contact with him today even though we live in the same city. My mom is going through a pretty rough divorce and the guy she is divorcing I was very close to but he straight up lied to me and had been having an afair for over a year. He is actually the only older male I've ever been close to and looked to him for guidance. I haven't talked to him in about 4 months. Along with this my grandma has COPD. They have given her about 6 months to live. I lived with my grandma off and on all through my childhood and also lived with her from 16-18 and after I got back from Job Corps in Utah. She has pretty much always been my rock. I've been with a girl for about 5 years that I've honestly never thought was forever. Earlier this month I finally had the balls to sit down and talk to her because we want such different things. She wants marraige and kids and I honestly couldn't see that with her. I know I never seen myself marrying her and having kids scare the hell out of me. My parents were not the best parents and I'm afraid of failing. Also I know that if anything ever happened to one of my kids I would not be able to recover. I know I wouldn't recover I know I would relapse and I know I would not come out of it. I love kids to death and everyone says what a great dad I would be but I don't think I have the balls for it.
Now to the main reason for posting. I'm 27 and I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and don't know what to do. I'm not happy with my job I've been at for 7 years. I work for Wells Fargo and I'm on the computer all day but I don't know what I want to do. I've got comfortable here and stopped caring. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm alone and find something to turn my brain off. I've started drinking more than I should again and right now it helps but I know it wont keep helping. I've thought about stuff I know I shouldn't do but I feel like my will power to stay away from it is becoming less and less every week. I've gotten out of shape yet can't find the energy to get out and workout like I used to love doing. Honestly for the most part real life interaction with people lately just stresses me out more and tires the shit out of me to the point that I lock myself in my apartment most nights and when I get to work I put on my headphones and don't talk to anyone. I feel like it takes me a week just to recover from going out and hanging out with people although I still try to do it so my family will stop worrying. I think I've been depressed for a long time yet don't want to see a dr because I hate the pills they normally push on me. Basically I feel like I'm losing everything that meant something to me in my life and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I always like to be in control and lately I feel lost and don't know what the hell to do. Does anyone know how to break out of this funk without the use of pills? I hate how the shit they normally prescribe make me feel or not feel. I feel like a fkn zombie with the shit they put me on and I would rather be pissed off at the world than have no feeling at all.
Dockter got a reaction from Sennex in Poor me thread
I really don't know why I'm even writting this, just need to get some of this out and this is the only forum I'm on and although I don't talk to many of you much this place is probably the best corner of the net.
So I'm in a rough spot lately. For anyone that read the drugs thread on the old forum know that I started messing with that stuff early and sold and was heavily addicted to coke until about the age of 23. I lived off and on with my dad from 10-16 but he was never really around even when I lived there. I have very little contact with him today even though we live in the same city. My mom is going through a pretty rough divorce and the guy she is divorcing I was very close to but he straight up lied to me and had been having an afair for over a year. He is actually the only older male I've ever been close to and looked to him for guidance. I haven't talked to him in about 4 months. Along with this my grandma has COPD. They have given her about 6 months to live. I lived with my grandma off and on all through my childhood and also lived with her from 16-18 and after I got back from Job Corps in Utah. She has pretty much always been my rock. I've been with a girl for about 5 years that I've honestly never thought was forever. Earlier this month I finally had the balls to sit down and talk to her because we want such different things. She wants marraige and kids and I honestly couldn't see that with her. I know I never seen myself marrying her and having kids scare the hell out of me. My parents were not the best parents and I'm afraid of failing. Also I know that if anything ever happened to one of my kids I would not be able to recover. I know I wouldn't recover I know I would relapse and I know I would not come out of it. I love kids to death and everyone says what a great dad I would be but I don't think I have the balls for it.
Now to the main reason for posting. I'm 27 and I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and don't know what to do. I'm not happy with my job I've been at for 7 years. I work for Wells Fargo and I'm on the computer all day but I don't know what I want to do. I've got comfortable here and stopped caring. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm alone and find something to turn my brain off. I've started drinking more than I should again and right now it helps but I know it wont keep helping. I've thought about stuff I know I shouldn't do but I feel like my will power to stay away from it is becoming less and less every week. I've gotten out of shape yet can't find the energy to get out and workout like I used to love doing. Honestly for the most part real life interaction with people lately just stresses me out more and tires the shit out of me to the point that I lock myself in my apartment most nights and when I get to work I put on my headphones and don't talk to anyone. I feel like it takes me a week just to recover from going out and hanging out with people although I still try to do it so my family will stop worrying. I think I've been depressed for a long time yet don't want to see a dr because I hate the pills they normally push on me. Basically I feel like I'm losing everything that meant something to me in my life and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I always like to be in control and lately I feel lost and don't know what the hell to do. Does anyone know how to break out of this funk without the use of pills? I hate how the shit they normally prescribe make me feel or not feel. I feel like a fkn zombie with the shit they put me on and I would rather be pissed off at the world than have no feeling at all.
Dockter got a reaction from Drifter in Poor me thread
I really don't know why I'm even writting this, just need to get some of this out and this is the only forum I'm on and although I don't talk to many of you much this place is probably the best corner of the net.
So I'm in a rough spot lately. For anyone that read the drugs thread on the old forum know that I started messing with that stuff early and sold and was heavily addicted to coke until about the age of 23. I lived off and on with my dad from 10-16 but he was never really around even when I lived there. I have very little contact with him today even though we live in the same city. My mom is going through a pretty rough divorce and the guy she is divorcing I was very close to but he straight up lied to me and had been having an afair for over a year. He is actually the only older male I've ever been close to and looked to him for guidance. I haven't talked to him in about 4 months. Along with this my grandma has COPD. They have given her about 6 months to live. I lived with my grandma off and on all through my childhood and also lived with her from 16-18 and after I got back from Job Corps in Utah. She has pretty much always been my rock. I've been with a girl for about 5 years that I've honestly never thought was forever. Earlier this month I finally had the balls to sit down and talk to her because we want such different things. She wants marraige and kids and I honestly couldn't see that with her. I know I never seen myself marrying her and having kids scare the hell out of me. My parents were not the best parents and I'm afraid of failing. Also I know that if anything ever happened to one of my kids I would not be able to recover. I know I wouldn't recover I know I would relapse and I know I would not come out of it. I love kids to death and everyone says what a great dad I would be but I don't think I have the balls for it.
Now to the main reason for posting. I'm 27 and I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and don't know what to do. I'm not happy with my job I've been at for 7 years. I work for Wells Fargo and I'm on the computer all day but I don't know what I want to do. I've got comfortable here and stopped caring. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm alone and find something to turn my brain off. I've started drinking more than I should again and right now it helps but I know it wont keep helping. I've thought about stuff I know I shouldn't do but I feel like my will power to stay away from it is becoming less and less every week. I've gotten out of shape yet can't find the energy to get out and workout like I used to love doing. Honestly for the most part real life interaction with people lately just stresses me out more and tires the shit out of me to the point that I lock myself in my apartment most nights and when I get to work I put on my headphones and don't talk to anyone. I feel like it takes me a week just to recover from going out and hanging out with people although I still try to do it so my family will stop worrying. I think I've been depressed for a long time yet don't want to see a dr because I hate the pills they normally push on me. Basically I feel like I'm losing everything that meant something to me in my life and I don't know what I can do to fix it. I always like to be in control and lately I feel lost and don't know what the hell to do. Does anyone know how to break out of this funk without the use of pills? I hate how the shit they normally prescribe make me feel or not feel. I feel like a fkn zombie with the shit they put me on and I would rather be pissed off at the world than have no feeling at all.
Dockter got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in LoL Help Thread
I'm hoping so too. I liked to test out free champs in custom games in case I really hated them and didn't want to finish a game with them. I would never leave in even a bot game because I hate leavers but there are champs I've tried and hated and didn't want to put up with playing them for 40 minutes.
I don't mind if they lower it I just think it was dumb to completely shut it down even though there was a time limit on how much you could play it a day. Make a max exp/ip and call it good, don't completely shut it down.