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Everything posted by spectre

  1. It doesn't lol? , that seems dumb. Must be one more thing overlooked by the developers. Making a perk that reduces damage from explosives actually reduce the damage enough to keep you alive.
  2. Blast Shield?
  4. I have a complaint. Xmas Noobs make this game playable. Why can't it be like this year around. Everyone is actually running around instead of camping like douchebags.
  5. Whenever you go to the store, always buy something extra to put back for preps. For the longest time, I would buy 1 thing of coffee and 1 (2) lb bottle of honey (barter items). Now I have 15 cans and 20 lbs of honey saved up. Then move on to something else. Buy a couple pounds extra of dry beans and rice. If you look under "food storage" you can learn how to store properly so it last for years and years. There really isn't any excuse not to. If you are on a tight budget, spreading out your purchases like this over time will help.
  6. It doesn't take much money to get started. Start today. Yesterday, actually.
  7. Being a prepper has been considered fringe for a long time. However, more and more people are starting to catch on to what is really going on. Because of this, warnings are increasingly coming out of other areas. Be prepared: Wall Street advisor recommends guns, ammo for protection in collapse A top financial advisor, worried that Obamacare, the NSA spying scandal and spiraling national debt is increasing the chances for a fiscal and social disaster, is recommending that Americans prepare a “bug-out bag” that includes food, a gun and ammo to help them stay alive. David John Marotta, a Wall Street expert and financial advisor and Forbes contributor, said in a note to investors, “Firearms are the last item on the list, but they are on the list. There are some terrible people in this world. And you are safer when your trusted neighbors have firearms.” His memo is part of a series addressing the potential for a “financial apocalypse.” His view, however, is that the problems plaguing the country won't result in armageddon. “There is the possibility of a precipitous decline, although a long and drawn out malaise is much more likely,” said the Charlottesville, Va.-based president of Marotta Wealth Management. Marotta said that many clients fear an end-of-the-world scenario. He doesn’t agree with that outcome, but does with much of what has people worried. “I, along with many other economists, agree with many of the concerns expressed in these dire warnings. The growing debt and deficit spending is a tax on those holding dollars. The devaluation in the U.S. dollar risks the dollar's status as the reserve currency of the world. Obamacare was the worst legislation in the past 75 years. Socialism is on the rise and the NSA really is abrogating vast portions of the Constitution. I don't disagree with their concerns,” he wrote. In his latest note, he said that Americans should have a survival kit to take in case of a financial or natural disaster. It should be filled with items that will help them stay alive for the first 72-hours of a crisis, including firearms. “A bug-out bag is a good idea depending on where you live even if the emergency is just power outages, earthquakes and hurricanes. And with your preparedness you will be equipped to help others who might be in need,” he wrote. “Be prepared. Especially because it keeps you from being scared.” He provided a list of items and even a link to bug-out bags on Amazon.
  8. spectre

    xmas noobs

    Isn't everyone a christmas noob to you @playertd? beast
  9. and more news ‘Supernatural’ EP teases an ‘umoored’ Dean, returning ‘beloved’ characters
  10. I dug up some news for you guys. ‘Supernatural’ casts ‘Psych’ favorite for hellish role
  11. emp or solar flare section added to Disaster Specific Preparations http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20591
  12. DISASTER SPECIFIC PREPARATIONS Cyber Attack - that cripples the financial system. Preparations: Have some cash reserves stored up in a fire safe in your home. If access to your bank is limited or impossible, you will have the funds to maintain for brief periods of time. Relevant News: JPMorgan Imposes Spending Caps On 10% Of Its Debit Cards Due To Target Security Breach Target Hack included PIN numbers Nuclear Attack or Nuclear Facility Meltdown Preparations: Potassium Iodine tablets Last year, Potassium Iodide tablets were handed out to people living near Nuclear Power Plants. I'm not sure about you, but if my local area started handing these out, I would be concerned. You should stock up on these anyway as part of your preps. What are they for? Where can I buy them? Relevant News Thyroid Cancers Surge Among Fukushima Youths NUKE FEAR: Feds Order 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide... EMP or Solar Flare (Coronal Mass Ejection) Relevant News Research by EMPact America indicates that a properly deployed EM pulse weapon, or weapons, has the capability of wiping out and disabling the power grid across the lower 48 states. According to a declassified report obtained by The Washington Times the Chinese have been building and testing EMP weapons in an effort to offset their inferior technological capabilities According to a government commission that looked into these things, approximately two-thirds of the U.S. population would die from starvation, disease and societal chaos within one year of a massive EMP attack. Most people don’t even realize that the massive solar storm of 1859 fried telegraph machines all over Europe and North America. If such a storm hit us today, the damage would potentially be in the trillions of dollars. Power Grid Down Drill To Be Conducted By US Government
  13. hey buddy, good to hear from you again!
  14. who else here has read the comics?
  15. multi-vitamins added to food storage http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20406
  16. Seeds - section added to gardening http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20420
  17. Didn't notice a difference on Sniper Rifles. Heavy Duty mode not for Sniping. I dont even think headshots are one hit kills. I played several games and never got a "headshot" notification.
  18. MUSHROOM FARMING This is a project that I plan on implementing as soon as I get my house next year. This system is something you will want to have in place before a SHTF scenario. Shiitake mushrooms can be grown on Wood Blocks indoors Or on Logs - outdoors What makes a good log for Shiitake Books - Recommended Reading - these two books are all you will need to learn how to do this. Mycelium Running - Paul Stamets Growing Gourmet Mushrooms - Paul Stamets
  19. Making Beer and Wine In a Collapse situation, it can be very profitable to have a skill set of things that will be in high demand. Making Beer and Wine is one such thing that is very rewarding to have as a hobby and good to know in SHTF. You will be the wizard of your group. I have made beer using the Mr Beer Kit (which was just perfect for stealth brewing when I was in Iraq) I have also used the "traditional" home brew kits that make up larger batches, usually 5 gallons. I will post a few videos that will get you started and then I will attempt to provide solutions to problems you might face in a post-SHTF world where there is no "go down to the store and buy..." Let's get started with a brief overview. Making beer is all about choosing your ingredients - and messing with all the variables, roast time of grains, type of yeast, etc. Beginner's Guide to Making Home Brew Homebrewing Fundamentals - All Grain Brewing (when Malt Extract is not available) Post-SHTF Solutions Use Panty Hose in place of the Muslin bag. (requires testing since they may not work with the high heat; just an idea) Stock up on Muslin Bags - HERE Make your own Malted Barley - HOW TO HERE Grown your own Hops - HOW TO HERE - Recommended Reading - The Homebrewer's Garden (I tend to stock up on books that I might need in the future) Stock up on Priming Sugar - Priming sugar is what you use to Carbonate your Bottled beer. (Dextrose IS Corn Sugar) - Great for other uses as well - including Barter - WHERE TO BUY HERE Stock up on Brewer's Yeast - yeast you collect from the wild is not hardy enough to withstand the high alcohol content. To continue the yeast culture, you can collect a sample from your empty bottle of finished beer. You can even do this to grab samples from store bought beer to use the yeast they use. HOW TO HERE Stored in your fridge, the dry yeast can be viable up to a year later. Use the Pool Shock product posted in Water Sanitation to make solutions for the Sanitizing Step. (untested, just an idea) Stock up on Re-usable Beer Bottles - Example HERE Glossary of Beer Brewing Terms Tools - Apps MORE TO FOLLOW - If you have any tips you want to add, feel free to post and I'll update here.
  20. Yep, I had read something about it awhile back
  21. I will be trying this out shortly and report back on the snipers
  22. feminine hygiene added to personal sanitation http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20381
  23. It would be nice if they just totally invented a new formula. But as the saying goes "nothing new under the sun" , I think they have milked the current formula as much as they can. I would play the shit out of Medieval Warfare. Crossbows, Longbows, Throwing Knives, Battering Rams, Fortifications, Siege Game Modes, Burning Oil to pour over the side, Moats to traverse, Sword play (two hits to kill or something, gameplay like Skyrim)
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