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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Congrats all. Just popped in to say “thank fuck Diddums won fuck all”. Ciao.
  2. All is well my man, hope everything is good with both of you. I wish it was bill issues, twats forgot to connect my house and refused to demolish the road to fix the issue
  3. Haha, hiya Brede Family is good, thanks for asking. The gutter face comment is very distasteful
  4. I'm not ginger. Hiya Mr Crack. Hope all is well with you. I still have internet issues but I'm almost there. I'll be playing again soon
  5. Last night was really good fun. SnD and gun game is still great. Cheers for hoping on .
  6. Chookes


    Yep yep, I'm not exactly a new member but it's felt like I've been away so long it's time for a new intro. I feel like I've been so busy and so lazy the last while that gaming/forums have been put on the back burner which means that I haven't spoken to a few of you in a long time. Things are starting to settle now. I've been working for a while to get a promotion which I got in April and my wife is currently 15 weeks pregnant. All going well November will be a busy month for me (hoping baby won't affect my KD in the new World War 2 COD ). I currently don't play too much. I enjoy Rainbow 6 and Battlefield (but gun only game modes, no tank shit). I do not enjoy Overwatch which sucks mega balls and, even though I'm a COD fan, no one will Infinite Warfare with me (not necessarily a bad thing, I know it's not very good). I'm looking forward to Destiny 2 (and taking out a second mortgage out to keep up with it's expansion packs) and the new COD. Hoping those two games will get me more involved. Speak soon. Cheers.
  7. What an amazing gesture. Top notch Lee , incredible.
  8. Shocks me that an American started this, I wouldn't think you'd understand Scottish Twitter!
  9. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing this. What do I win by the way?
  10. It finished and EnvyUs (deservedly) won the $800,000 top prize. Unforuntately, OpTic underperformed but it was a good tournament overall. EU COD teams played really well this week (Splyce and FABe Gaming).
  11. I'm in a minority likely but I can't wait for it. I like the idea of having two different style CODs to play. I understand why we couldn't have a "boots on the ground" COD this year so having this as an option is an ok compromise. £70 for both? I don't think the value is too bad. My main hope is Search and Destroy in COD4 will be as good as I remember it. I love slower, more tactical SnD games. Be good please!
  12. Available if you need a chat my friend.
  13. Black Ops III is actually pretty fun to watch competively and this year has the biggest prize pool ever for a COD event, $800,000 for the winners. Starts tomorrow, I'll be rooting for OpTic. If anyone wants to watch then there's more info here: https://www.callofduty.com/uk/en/esports/ Twitch.tv will have up to 4 streams so plenty of action. Enjoy.
  14. I think the mod team could do with a new member.
  15. I always find that I can't play Rainbow for too long. If you're not concentrating you get shat on.
  16. Sorry I can't hear you diddums due to you being permanently muted on PSN. Ah well.
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