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This place is on life support


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I'll prune some forums tomorrow as well as Steve made a good point earlier about having too many. 



Yeah, I brought that up a while back.  Its tough to see what's new if you've been gone for more than a day or so.  Things are so spread out its too time consuming to see where new posts are.

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That was the sound I heard when the penny dropped. See, I have learned this evening about Gzip, which compresses files so that they load faster for browsing. This is a very common thing and if you don't use it, ur a nub lulz.  


So I researched how this all works and it's very simple: it's a bit of generic code which goes into the .htaccess file in the root directory and voila, the site is much faster. So I did this. 


Ran tests before and after inserting the code and the site was actually slower with it. Much googling and head scratching ensued but I couldn't figure it out. 


Eventually I suss out that this code only works with Apache webservers, and we're running Nginx. I phoned the hosting company and they were about as useful as a knitted condom. Apparently they don't do Apache at all. 


I've found a new host here in Englandtown with tech support in England rather than Bangladesh or wherever the last one was so I can have a conversation without dodgy accents and waiting for the infamous delay you get from cheapo international calls which result in both me and them talking at the same time.


Apache is almost as old as the Internet itself.  Nginx is still fairly new so all the support articles online automatically assume you're running Apache, which is probably why none of the things I tried in the past worked. 


As an added bonus, they do the full migration for nada provided I pay for a year up front. This also allows me to ditch any unnecessary options from my current provider which will save a few pennies as well. 


Keep an eye out, I'll let you guys know what's happening when so if there's any downtime, you know why.


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Nah, it's cool. I'm very glad to have discovered this. 


I'm amazed at how much getting this all done has changed me, I've been down lately and I think this whole thing with the site has been a part of it, which is why my head was firmly planted in the sand. Let's hope it all goes a bit smoother now :)


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Yeah, there were a few hours in between the files being copied and them actually installed so anything between those two times is gone unfortunately. This includes the 13 new members we had but I don't think any were stayers anyway.


From a quick glance, the "view full site" button is knackered for mobile devices and avatars don't show on the home page, but that's all I've got. Can you guys please reply to threads with smilies and stuff, log out, log in, just give the place a bit of a stress test so I can compile a report for tech support?


Oh and is it any snappier yet? 


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Guys move around a bit in the forum before reporting it as slow. Basically because we're at a new host, your browser needs to recache it before it goes all smooth again.


I've just raised a ticket with tech support for the other issues, these guys are great so hopefully won't be long.


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