TigerBurge 2,375 Posted November 17, 2022 Share Posted November 17, 2022 MODERN WARFARE II SEASON 01 PATCH NOTES AND WARZONE 2.0 LAUNCH Hello MWII and WZ2 Players! Season 01 marks the launch of the free-to-play Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 and the much-anticipated DMZ experience. We hope you’re ready to dive into new maps, modes, missions, and more. In addition to all of the new content, we also want to provide more information on updates to MWII in patch notes here. We’ve also included critical intel for Warzone 2.0 players below, for both Battle Royale and DMZ. Going forward, expect additional Warzone 2.0 community updates from our partners at Raven Software while we focus our communications on content and support for Modern Warfare II. We’ll be working together to make sure key information is available for all players across modes and titles. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16 SEASON 01 LAUNCH GLOBAL RICOCHET ANTI-CHEAT With the launch of Season 01, RICOCHET Anti-Cheat™ will be live, globally, across Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale and Warzone 2.0 DMZ. RICOCHET Anti-Cheat is currently live in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Learn more about #TeamRICOCHET here. BATTLE PASS Season 01 marks the launch of our all new Battle Pass, in which players are able to choose the rewards they want as they progress. While there are 100+ tiers, this new map format allows for personalized progression with unlocks. Players can also progress with Battle Tokens Tier Skips. Take a deeper dive into the Battle Pass on the Call of Duty Blog. WEAPONS Our Season 01 weapons drop runs the gamut of playstyles, from the high speed BAS-P Submachine Gun, to the hard-hitting Victus XMR Sniper Rifle. Mid-range combat is always an option with the super stable and high rate of fire M13B… if you are up to the challenge of unlocking it. These new Weapons will expand Loadout capabilities to cover all the exciting new modes Season 01 has to offer. Head to the Battle Pass to see where you can unlock these weapons and more. PROGRESSION Players can now progress beyond level 55 and earn Prestige rewards. Seasonal progression will not reset. BUNDLES Here’s what will be live in the store on Day 1 of Season 01: Executive Warfighter Violent Embrace Atomic Sunrise Tactical Human CDL Launch Pack NEW WEAPONS Victus XMR: Sniper Rifle Free Weapon acquirable via the Season 01 Battle Pass (A7) As the longest range Sniper Rifle in our arsenal– we fully expect that the Victus XMR will be a player favorite when taking on dropping into the vastness of Al Mazrah. The first bullet-drop-indicating scope can be unlocked by leveling-up this weapon. BAS-P: Submachine Gun Free Weapon acquirable via the Season 01 Battle Pass (A6) M13B: Assault Rifle Unlocked via Store Bundle or Weapon Unlock Challenge WEAPON BALANCING » Assault Rifles « Increase to long distance flinch on all Assault Rifles Kastov 545 ADS speed increase Improved ironsight ADS sight picture Kastov-74u ADS speed decrease Hip spread increase M4 Hip spread reduction M16 Rate of fire increase Hip spread reduction Recoil recenter speed increase Shot grouping improvement Increase ADS movement speed Increase strafing movement speed Semi auto recoil reduction Semi auto damage reduction STB 556 Close range damage reduction Reduced sprint to fire speed » Battle Rifles « FTac Recon ADS speed improvement 5 round magazine - speed and handling improvement Increased flinch caused by bullets Hip spread decrease SO-14 Increased hip fire when full auto » Handguns « Increase to close range flinch on all Handguns » Light Machine Guns « Increase to long distance flinch on all Light Machine Guns » Marksman Rifles « SA-B 50 Minor increase to flinch when hit SP-R 208 Large increase to flinch when hit » Shotguns « Increase to close range flinch on all Shotguns Lockwood 300 Damage range reduction Bryson 800 Close range damage increase Hip spread increase » Submachine Guns « Increase to long distance flinch on all Submachine Guns FFS Hurricane ADS move speed increase Increased headshot damage Increased far damage range Minibak Movement speed decrease Damage range decrease ADS speed decrease Hip spread increase PDSW 528 Movement speed increase Damage range increase ADS speed increase Hip spread decrease Adding Laser and Flashlight Attachments 1mW Artemis Laser 1mW Quick Fire Laser Accu-Shot 5mW Laser VLK LZR 7mW 7mW Canted Laser Schlager ULO-66 Laser VEL 46 Damage range increase » Sniper Rifles « Signal .50 Fixed attributes on the Signal .50 barrels: 21.5" Fluted Fifty 23.5" SA Fifty-H7 WEAPON BUG FIXES Fixed an issue with the Schlager TTF3 Riser ammo comb on the STB 556 Assault Rifle Dropshot exploit fix Fixed exploit with bipod mount launching, re-enabled bipod use. Fixed incendiary damage over time to not flinch the player OPERATORS New Operators Zeus | KorTac The last of his name, Zeus established the “Thunder” Corps counter-terrorism group dedicated to hunting down AQ. Unlocked automatically with purchase of Season 01 Battle Pass. VEHICLE UPDATES Balancing Reduced the critical damage multiplier on the Heavy Tank (from 1.6 to 1.25) Reduced the damage of the PILA against tanks from 30 to 25% Reduced vehicle explosive damage against other vehicles (percentage varies by vehicle) Bug Fixes Tuned exiting the RHIB to help mitigate an issue with players getting stuck Exiting the RHIB now places you within the boat. You'll no longer be left in the water behind the boat when moving. Fixes to vehicle-on-vehicle bug that caused vehicles flying as a result of certain collisions and vehicles pushing others back. Fixed a bug where the vehicle camera was re-initializing after repairing a wheel. Fixed vehicles becoming permanently submerged when another vehicle lands on top of them. MULTIPLAYER Maps Shoot House (6v6) is now live with Season 01. Set in Las Almas, this map will engage new and veteran players alike. Get all the intel on this location here. Battle Maps Fixed floating grass in Sarrif Bay Fixed stretched texture in Santa Seña Miscellaneous bug and exploit fixes across all Battle Maps Core Maps Fixed bullet penetration issues across some maps Player and equipment collision fixes Al Bagra Fortress barracks lighting fixed Fixed some deployable cover locations General exploit fixes Modes Multiplayer Tier 1 is live with Season 01 Special Ops “Defender: Mt. Zaya - Modified” mission is now available “High Ground” mission now available Fixed bug where players were unable to revive a teammate if they went down near an ammo box Now rewards Stars when collecting intel Stars awarded upon collecting 5 intel; 2 for every intel Single Player Addressed issue where player could get stuck in the elevator during the “Countdown” mission Fixed issue where sequence would not kick off during second half of “Kill or Capture” mission Equipment The Drill Charge sticking to the Riot Shield will always kill the player using the Riot Shield (even if they have the Bomb Squad perk). Killstreaks Cluster Mines now stick to all vehicles. Ally deaths no longer give the player assist points while their Counter UAV is active. UI/UX Combat Record has been added for Core Multiplayer Calling card menu has been revamped to show challenges Customize tab added (with the addition of custom loading screens) Other new content types: Operator finishing moves Gunscreens War Tracks Updates to Weapons tab including: Weapon brands visible Streamlined Blueprint navigation CDL Moshpit Due to recently discovered issues, CDL Moshpit will not go live on the morning of 11/16, as expected. Stay tuned to @Treyarchon Twitter for updates on launch timing while fixes are implemented. When enabled, play competitive, 4v4 matches using the same modes, maps, and settings used in the Call of Duty League 2023 ruleset. Select Weapons, Attachments, Equipment, Perks, Field Upgrades, and Streaks are restricted based on official CDL Competitive rules. Game Modes and Maps: CDL Search and Destroy Al Bagra Fortress Breenburgh Hotel El Asilo Embassy Mercado Las Almas CDL Hardpoint Al Bagra Fortress Breenburgh Hotel Embassy Mercado Las Almas Zarqwa Hydroelectric CDL Control Al Bagra Fortress Breenburgh Hotel El Asilo Be sure to follow our official Trello board for known issue tracking and updates. WARZONE 2.0 PLAYLISTS Battle Royale Solos Max Players: 150 Assimilation*: Off Duos Max Players: 150 Assimilation*: Refill Quads Max Players: 152 Assimilation*: Refill Third Person Trios Max Players: 150 Assimilation*: Refill Unhinged Trios Max Players: 150 Assimilation*: Up to 6 Players Per Squad For regular updates about the Playlist and other Scheduled Events, check out the dedicated Warzone Trello Board. *In squad-based DMZ modes, as well as special Battle Royale playlists, you have the choice to join up with enemy Operators and form a larger squad. Refill indicates squads can be assimilated up to their original size. MODES Battle Royale Core Best in-class. Drop into Al Mazrah to experience all of the new features in Warzone 2.0. Third Person For the first time in Warzone history, players can now play with the camera fixed behind their Operator model and have the ability to swap between the left and right shoulder when aiming. Players will have to entirely rethink how they approach movement, engagements, and their overall strategy. Unhinged Break the squad limit boundaries by using Assimilation to grow your squad up to 6 players! Alliances are fragile in this game mode and you may find yourself out numbered at any point. DMZ Trios Max Players: 66 Assimilation Setting: Up to 6 Players Per Squad Solos or Duos can elect not to fill We are excited to debut DMZ with the launch of Warzone 2.0. DMZ is a dangerous, diverse and deep open world experience where players can choose their level of intensity. Borrowing from the full blog we posted last week, here are a few critical pieces of information ahead of your first infil to the Al Mazrah Exclusion Zone: In DMZ, the conditions for winning are your own– you decide the stakes. Players choose missions from three factions which level-up as you complete objectives. Each mission has a unique reward and missions get progressively harder. Squads can pick up contracts in-world for extra cash and XP. The many locked spaces in Al Mazrah can be opened with specific keys found around the map. If you’ve had your fill and want an even harder challenge you can go after other operators and harvest whatever they have looted. Exfil is always the ultimate goal. When gearing up, players can choose between their Insured Weapons which are built from Gunsmith progression unlocks or from their Stash of Contraband Weapons. If an insured weapon is lost in the DMZ it goes on a cooldown. Players can wait for this cooldown or they can extract cash to speed up the time it takes to get their insured weapon back. Contraband weapons are weapons extracted from the DMZ. These cannot be changed and if they are lost, they are lost for good. We look forward to players diving into the DMZ. We’re excited to see our community map out the many locked areas and we can’t wait to see all of your battles over the Weapons Case. Al Mazrah is a dangerous place… Our recommendation to all of you: conserve your ammo, stay with your squad and watch your six. Good hunting. MAP Welcome to Al Mazrah Al Mazrah is a massive new landscape that comprises the metropolitan area and rural outskirts within the Republic of Adal. This new map includes 6 Sectors, 25 Zones, 18 Major Points of Interest, dozens of Minor Points of Interest, strategic Landmarks sprinkled across the battlefield… all brand new for you to discover! As the biggest Battle Royale map we have ever made, we are certain you will find a drop that suits your playstyle. Major Points of Interest Oasis Taraq Village Rohan Oil Al Safwa Quarry Al Mazrah City Zarqwa Hydroelectric Mawizeh Marshlands Sattiq Caves Zaya Observatory Al Sharim Pass Ahkdar Village Sa’id City Hafid Port Sawah Village El Samman Cemetery Sarrif Bay Al Bagra Fortress Al Malik Airport Landmarks Ammo Cache Bank of Adal Burger Town Comms Tower Fire Station Gas Station (Land) Gas Station (Marine) Grocery Market Police Station Medical Center For a deep dive into Al Mazrah and everything it has to offer, check out the official Tactical Map Guide! New Gulag This abandoned medieval fortress off the coast of Al Mazrah has been repurposed for sinister games by Shadow Company. GAMEPLAY Feature Highlights New Strongholds & Black Sites Strongholds are a brand new, multifaceted feature that are going to fundamentally change the way some players choose to spend their time. They represent a high-risk opportunity for teams to get a full Loadout early and a localized UAV for strategic positioning. Teams that are the first to clear a Stronghold will be granted a single Black Site key - an invitation to challenge fortified enemy combatants for the most valuable loot Al Mazrah has to offer. Black Sites are only found in Battle Royale. New Gulag Experience This new 2v2 Gulag offers different pathways to ensure redeployment including an unprecedented co-optional one. Duos can choose to eliminate the enemy squad to secure release before overtime. Players will spawn with a Pistol or Shotgun, one Lethal Equipment, and one Tactical Equipment. Superior ground loot will spawn towards the center of the map, getting progressively more valuable over match time. Once Overtime kicks in, The Jailer will spawn. Players will have the choice to work together to eliminate this foe, rewarding all 4 Players with redeployment to the battlefield. Ultimately, however you choose to win, you’ll redeploy with everything you looted for another chance at victory. New Multi-Circles At random, and at any point during a Battle Royale match, the circle can split into upwards of 3 smaller circles, which will ultimately remerge for the final showdown. With mobility being a crucial factor here, we’ve put an emphasis on player choice as far as vehicles go and whether your team travels by air, land, or sea. New Loadout System Custom Loadouts Custom Loadouts can be built in the Gunsmith menu and are composed of a Primary Weapon, a Secondary Weapon, a choice of Lethal Equipment, a choice of a Tactical Equipment, and a choice of a Perk Package designed around preferred playstyles. Buy Stations The Primary Weapon that players design for their Loadout will be available to purchase via Buy Stations found throughout Al Mazrah. Stronghold Crates New Landmark Rewards In Battle Royale, if players want to access the entirety of their Loadout early, they’re going to have to work for it. Full Loadouts can be earned as a reward for completing one of the three active, AI-defended Strongholds found throughout the map. Loadout Drops not willing to brave an early Stronghold? A new mid-game Public Event will drop a limited number of Loadout Drops for players to claim. It’s worth noting that an individual Loadout is only usable once per player on a team, but will remain on the field for other teams to loot. New Looting System Players will have access to the new Backpack & Inventory system, uniquely adapted to Battle Royale and DMZ modes, which allows for a more strategic approach to looting. In Battle Royale, loot will pop out of Supply Boxes onto the ground, allowing players within close proximity to automatically pick it up. This will either stack with existing slots or fill new ones. In DMZ, players will be presented with the entirety of the new Backpack, having to carefully choose when to loot and how to manage their inventory. Loot containers can come in different shapes and sizes, including but not limited to: duffel bags, cash registers, weapon lockers, and medicine cabinets. Player opponents will also drop a lootable Backpack upon elimination that uses this system. And So Much More… Warzone 2.0 was built from the ground up with Modern Warfare II as a shared experience. The key innovations we’ve brought to MWII Multiplayer exist across Warzone 2.0 as well. Below we will discuss new features from Modern Warfare II, alongside familiar features from the original Warzone, that we’ve brought together into a single, ultimate Battle Royale experience. New Contextual Loot Containers and ground loot can be found in logical locations across the map i.e. Self Revives can be found in medicine cabinets, while plate carriers may be found at a police station. New Movement Diving Players are now able to dive. Swimming Operators are now able to swim! Leverage this new feature to hide, reposition, or engage in submerged aquatic combat using your Handgun. Leaning Out of Vehicles Passengers in a vehicle can now lean out of the window (that is if your door remains intact) to engage in combat using any selection of equipped Weapons. Climbing Onto Moving Vehicle Passengers in a vehicle can now climb out of the window and onto the roof while in motion. Wall Hanging Players can now grab onto wall ledges or the top of vehicles and choose to peak or even fire their Handguns before climbing over. New Buy Station Buy Stations have been upgraded and adjusted. Item inventory and stock may vary from one station to another. Custom Primary Weapons can be purchased for a considerable fee. The Firesale Public Event will add new items to Buy Station inventory. In Battle Royale, Players will find an option to buy back their fallen allies. In DMZ, Players will be able to purchase Contraband Weapons, as well as sell items they’ve looted throughout the world. New Armor Plate Carriers Players will infil with fewer default slots for wearable Armor Plates. Players will have to search the battlefield for upgraded Armor Plate Carriers in order to unlock additional slots, with a maximum of three. Players who have a maximum of three Armor Plates equipped will be resistant to damage that would otherwise down them in one shot. New Enemies In Battle Royale, Al Qatala forces can be found in a variety of areas including the Gulag, Strongholds, and Black Sites. These enemy combatants range in difficulty, from basic reinforcements to unique, boss-style Juggernauts. New Assimilation Mechanic This brand new interaction allows players to prompt opponents to join their squad, with a max squad size that varies depending on the game mode. This feature enables squads who have lost a player to fill the empty spot for a fair chance at victory. New Interrogation Mechanic Reveal enemy players, enemy equipment, and earn a $1,000 reward by successfully interacting with a downed opponent before they are eliminated. New Proximity Chat Players are now able to interact with other players (if enabled) they encounter in a match via proximity voice chat. New Perk Packages While creating a Custom Loadout, players will be prompted to select one of the following Perk Packages that are adapted to various unique playstyles: Vanguard Double Time | Bomb Squad | Resupply | High Alert Commando Scavenger | Strong Arm | Fast Hands | High Alert Specter Double Time | Tracker | Spotter | Ghost Scout Scavenger | Strong Arm | Focus | Ghost Sentinel Battle Hardened | Bomb Squad | Cold Blooded | Overclock Warden Double Time | Strong Arm | Fast Hands | Overclock Weapons Specialist Overkill | Strong Arm | Spotter | Survivor Recon Double Time | Tracker | Focus | Birdseye The new Perks that are found within the Perk Packages detailed above are as follows: Birdseye UAV and Radar pings show the heading of the enemy. Bomb Squad Take reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives. Reset fuse timers when picking up live grenades. Fast Hands Reload, use equipment, and swap weapons faster. Focus Extended hold breath duration and reduced flinch when ADS. Overclock Field Upgrades are rechargeable and you can store an additional charge. Charge rate decreased by 20%. Resupply Start with an additional Lethal. Recharge equipment over 30 seconds. Previously known as Restock. Strong Arm Throw equipment further. See a preview of the trajectory. Survivor Enemies that down you get automatically pinged. Get revived faster by allies. New Equipment Tactical Shock Stick Electrical device that sticks to surfaces as well as opponents. Electrocutes enemies, destroys equipment, causes opponents to fire their weapon uncontrollably, and causes vehicles to go haywire. Lethal Drill Charge Charge with a thermal lance that can burrow into surfaces before exploding. New Killstreaks Cluster Mine Throw a device that launches a cluster of smaller mines within the immediate area. Mortar Strike Signal several waves of mortars to attack a location. New Field Upgrades Battle Rage An experimental stimulant that gives you an adrenaline rush resulting in quicker Health regeneration, resistance to enemy Tactical Equipment and explosives, and a constantly refreshed Tactical Sprint. This effect persists through damage. DDoS Activates a device that deactivates electronics, and disrupts enemy sensors in the immediate area for a short period of time. Inflatable Decoy A proximity activated decoy mine that violently deploys a kevlar target to confuse and distract opponents. Portable Radar Emits a periodic radar ping to detect nearby enemies. Revive Pistol Equip a revive pistol capable of reviving downed teammates or yourself. Hits to critical locations may be harmful to hostile targets. Suppression Mine A trip mine that, when triggered, emits a constant sound wave that disrupts enemy vision and slows their movement. New Contracts Safecracker Blow open three marked safes full of enemy supplies. Intel Locate a hard drive containing enemy intelligence and deliver it to the marked upload station. [REDACTED] [REDACTED] New Vehicle Durability Certain heavy and medium vehicles are more likely to go into a "Disabled" state when hit with explosives, rather than being outright destroyed, to better allow for counterplay opportunities. New Vehicle Fuel & Repair System Fuel Most vehicles use gas as fuel which is consumed over time, eventually rendering the vehicle unusable. Gas Stations (Land and Marine) Can be used by players to repair and refuel vehicles. Gas Cans In addition to parking at a Gas Station pump, vehicles can be refilled by using Gas Cans which can be found throughout the map. These can be stored in your backpack and used while operating the vehicle. Repairs Vehicles can be repaired by parking them at Gas Stations located throughout the map. Damaged tires can also be repaired by interacting with them. New Vehicles Al Mazrah offers an array of new vehicles, alongside familiar ones, to allow players to choose how they engage opponents or how they reposition themselves across the battlefield. Some of the vehicles you can expect to encounter include: Land Vehicles Chop Top This open-air, off-road vehicle provides little protection but can be used for rapid movement between objectives. GMC HUMMER EV Fast and quiet, this all-electric supertruck is engineered for off-road traversal. Hatchback Four-door civilian vehicle without any significant protection. Good luck. LTV A specialized light combat vehicle designed to handle extreme terrain and unconventional combat. Available with and without the mounted .50 Cal machine gun. SUV All-terrain civilian 4x4 with a boxy frame for quick extraction. Aerial Vehicles Heavy Chopper A heavily armored search and rescue helicopter. Can transport troops to the combat zone and deploy flares when targeted by anti-aircraft ordnance. Aquatic Vehicles Armored Patrol Boat Reinforced aquatic vehicle with mounted .50 Cal machine guns. RHIB Maneuverable tactical boat designed for Special Forces. QUALITY OF LIFE As mentioned above, Warzone 2.0 is a shared experience with Modern Warfare II. As such, players can expect to see quality of life changes across all modes including Multiplayer, Battle Royale, and DMZ. Console Field-of-View Slider Consoles now have the option to adjust their field-of-view setting up to 120 degrees. Improved Footstep Audio The audio team has made significant improvements to the audio system to address this key area. Squad Score in the UI Players will now be able to see the total scores for their entire squad in the in-game Scoreboard. Join In Queue Players are now able to join other Players while they are queued up. If a Player joins a full squad that is already queued, the squad will be removed from said queue. Stowed Weapon Infil To guarantee a fair match start, weapons are stowed while skydiving during initial deployment. Ascenders Players now can look around and shoot their weapon while using an ascender. Players can now attach to an ascender while falling. Parachuting Players who are parachuting can now mantle and ledge hang. Ledge Hanging The new ledge hanging mechanic makes it easier to traverse over large obstacles. Automatic Item Pickup Backpack slots occupied by stackable items will automatically pick up additional copies until that stack reaches max capacity. This works great when players want to plan ahead for future ammo needs. UI/UX New Menu Features Tactical Ping Wheel Players can now hold the Ping keybind to communicate via custom visuals and voice lines including: General Ping Attacking Here Watching Here Looting Here Regrouping Here Stay Quiet I Need Help Assimilation Related Looking For Party This feature now includes the following preference filters: In-Game Communication Style: Voice Chat, Text Chat, Ping Main Language: Select up to 3 language preferences Playstyle (Primary, Secondary): Competitive, Casual, Objectives, High Kills To access this, click “Find A Party”, select the mode you want to play to access a lobby, and find your team based on preferences. PC SETTINGS Stow Keybind By default, you hold the "Scoreboard" key to stow and "Interact" to equip. Now you're able to set a different keybind for Stow. Gyro Aiming You’re now able to aim using your gamepad’s gyroscope. "Backpack Behavior: Mixed" This new option makes it possible to use the backpack with toggle (cursor) and hold (no cursor). Ledge Hang Behavior This option changes the inputs required to perform a Ledge Grab. LOOKING AHEAD You can stay up-to-date for live issue tracking on our official Trello board. We’ve linked both Treyarch and Raven’s boards there for easy navigation. We hope you’re ready to make your first drop or infil into Warzone 2.0. There will be more patch notes in the coming weeks, and information on new midseason content coming soon. Stay tuned to Infinity Ward channels for updates. Stay frosty! *Game features described above are based on current in-development features that are subject to change based on final development changes and/or game tuning or updates that may remove or modify some or all of the above features. © 2022 ACTIVISION PUBLISHING, INC. ACTIVISION AND INFINITYWARD GAMES ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF ACTIVISION PUBLISHING, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY COOKIE POLICY COOKIES SETTINGS BACK TO TOP The Software License and Service Agreement will be updated. Please follow this link [https://www.activision.com/legal/ap-eula] in order to see these changes. × PRIVACY POLICY UPDATE We’ve updated our Privacy Policy. You can view the revised policy here. By continuing to use Activision Blizzard’s websites, products or services, you acknowledge this revised Privacy Policy. IRaMPaGe and GazzaGarratt 2 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/9899-season-1-and-warzone-update/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
The3rdWalker 1,279 Posted November 17, 2022 Share Posted November 17, 2022 This Call of Duty is hilarious at almost every turn. Thanks to proximity chat I had someone screaming at me, "YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS, YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS, YOU CAN LET ME LIVE." Also for them to add an Escape from Tarkov game mode (DMZ) was brilliant as well. Outside of this god forsaken UI, which is now even worse with the two other game modes added, this is the COD to beat for a long time. Greboth, TigerBurge, IRaMPaGe and 1 other 4 i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/9899-season-1-and-warzone-update/#findComment-150150 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted November 18, 2022 Share Posted November 18, 2022 21 hours ago, The3rdWalker said: This Call of Duty is hilarious at almost every turn. Thanks to proximity chat I had someone screaming at me, "YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS, YOU DONT WANT TO DO THIS, YOU CAN LET ME LIVE." "I COULD INDEED. BUT I CAN ALSO KILL YOU, TEA BAG YOU, STEAL YOUR STUFF AND EXTRACT. NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM GOING TO DO 🙂 " Then post the whole thing on your YOUTUBE channel 😉 GazzaGarratt and IRaMPaGe 1 1 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/9899-season-1-and-warzone-update/#findComment-150167 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,153 Posted November 22, 2022 Share Posted November 22, 2022 The Lockwood 300 shotgun needed a tune to tone down that range. Jot sure the large flinch will do much to stop people using the SPR, however as more people start playing this, the more guns later down the track should out perform it. IRaMPaGe 1 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/9899-season-1-and-warzone-update/#findComment-150282 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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