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Trollfield 4

Dr Diamond

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Sometiimes this game seems to troll the fuck out of you. Share away !

Full game of rush on Golmud, we win, i have a solid 5000+...game freezes and hard freezes my ps3 at the end of the game....

- when you crash land a chopper after a stinger hit, and you land more gently than a normal landing...and then you blow up







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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you just reminded me of why i post this thread

- some dude is crouched and i turn to knife him in the back as i run past. im behind him and the animation for me being knifed in the back happens and he gets the kill.........







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Speaking of knifing... Has anyone been shooting someone in front of you, yet the enemies knife animation starts with no counter option. I thought they had to be behind you? Not eating your bullets in front of you.

It's rather annoying to say the least.


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It constantly hard-froze for me at the beta, turned me off completely from BF4.

Actually really fun game. I freaking enjoy it.

If you didn't like bf3(and if I remember right, you didn't) then I wouldn't waste your money.


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I must have happened to me 20 times today.  


Die and the kill cam says the guys who just killed me has 0 health. 


Snipe someone they turns around and gets time to unload an entire clip before you get a second shot. Kill cam says 3 health. 

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Its not perfect but its better than CoD. Don't we already have a complaint thread for Battlefiel?

we do, but this is more those times when you cant quite believe what just happened and its actually kind of funny, rather than bitching about whats wrong with the game.

if anyone has people trolling them in funny ways, let us know about it. I have recently discovered the joy of loading up the transport chopper with slam mines, and flying towards enemy vehicles and delighting in the mayhem.

Another good one is , although less of a traditional trolling, is using the SRAW to counter snipe snipers. when they are a long distance, its rare they get a headshot. i stand in the open , aim the sraw up and fire, whilst being peppered with sniper bullets (which all miss)....then BOOM no more pesky recon hahahhah







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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we do, but this is more those times when you cant quite believe what just happened and its actually kind of funny, rather than bitching about whats wrong with the game.

if anyone has people trolling them in funny ways, let us know about it. I have recently discovered the joy of loading up the transport chopper with slam mines, and flying towards enemy vehicles and delighting in the mayhem.

Another good one is , although less of a traditional trolling, is using the SRAW to counter snipe snipers. when they are a long distance, its rare they get a headshot. i stand in the open , aim the sraw up and fire, whilst being peppered with sniper bullets (which all miss)....then BOOM no more pesky recon hahahhah

I got you.
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conquest golmund railway

im in a jet flying straight at the attack chopper. i fire off two missiles and follow up with the cannon to get the vehicle disable. i fly past the chopper, but not anywhere near close enough to hit it. All of a sudden, my health starts dropping rapidly, the jet starts being hit by a cannon of some sort, and BOOM killed in action.

what the fuck lol (there is no aa on that map on ps3)







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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