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Ubisoft Adding NFTs to Ghost Recon


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Introducing Ubisoft Quartz 💎

We're bringing the first energy efficient NFTs playable in a AAA game to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint!


Try it in the beta from December 9 with three free cosmetic drops and learn more here: https://quartz.ubisoft.com


Link: https://twitter.com/Ubisoft/status/1468264199876923394?s=20



i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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I made a thread earlier this year about NFT's when it was considered 'early days' and since then, $MILLIONS have changed hands on absolute shit from low quality pixel items, to dogshit 'art' made in paint and text files. It's crazy to see where this is going and videogame companies will jump on it especially when content creators are flogging effortless crap for six-figure sums. I think there will be a lot of laundering and under-the-table shit going down but anything 'official' will probably do well because it's somewhat trusted rather than something someone knocked up in their lunch break. Anyone that buys into this guff will either need to get their brain tested or is probably embroiled in something illicit. 


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typical ubisoft finding new ways to get money selling absolutely nothing


but hey the ultra rich and the criminals have something to spend their millions that they don't know what to do with


also remember they have to raise the prices of the games every generation otherwise they would default instantly

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I've also noticed a lot of trash celebrities jumping on the bandwagon - they are selling .jpeg NFT's of pictures of themselves for $20,000+ when you can just download the image on Google for free. There's also artists selling digital pictures of their works for more than their original physical piece and now some gaming companies such as eSport teams are looking to flog worthless shite via these means.


I hate all this crypto shit - it's dreadful for the environment, has obliterated the GPU market for consumers and has enabled organised crime to thrive. There is also no protection for people that dabble in it but that's their risk. I hope it doesn't get regulated in any way and that one day it all collapses but I fear it will only become more prominent and retarded especially surrounding NFT's. If people are willing to drop 5 figure sums on a image of 50 pixels then there is a huge gap for the likes of gaming publishers to sell things like encrytpted game engine codes for tens of millions and give credibility to the concept. 


Ubisoft have set a horrible precedent and its only a matter of time EA and Activision follow. I'd love to see other publishers along with the likes of Sony and Microsoft distancing themselves from anything like this so it doesn't become the industry standard. There's already been GPU miners disguised as games appear on Steam which were nuked so the water is being tested but I can see EA selling UT player cards the NFT route for insane fees and they will use their army of shills to engage and entice. 


It was only a few years ago people were fearful of adverts appearing in games and now it's all about publishers milking worthless shite for outrageous sums and once-popular content creators scamming their own fans the crypto route without a care in the world.  Soon gaming developers wont even have to make games - they'll just make copyrighted assets which will be sold as memorabilia for a game that doesn't even exist. 

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Ubisoft Quartz was revealed a few days ago—and folks don't like it.

1,000 likes and 31k dislikes so Ubisoft hide the video🤣


Great to see people united in this - did they really think they could flog some shitty digital certificate for images associated with a franchise they've ruined of a game that's absolute wank? Can't wait to see their range of XDefinant crap! Having said that, there will be clowns that buy stuff associated with Rainbow Six and they could probably milk some Splinter Cell junk quite heavily.

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Came across this


Supporters have spent at least £260m on controversial fan tokens from major clubs, data suggests.

So football clubs are exploiting their fans whereby 'you pay us real money and in exchange you get store credit that can be spent on worthless shite'. The people buying this rubbish probably aren't the real fans that spend £50+ on a ticket - it's probably the eFans who make 15 second edited compilations on TikTok who are in a completely different country to the team. 

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On 12/8/2021 at 2:11 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

I've also noticed a lot of trash celebrities jumping on the bandwagon - they are selling .jpeg NFT's of pictures of themselves for $20,000+ when you can just download the image on Google for free. There's also artists selling digital pictures of their works for more than their original physical piece and now some gaming companies such as eSport teams are looking to flog worthless shite via these means.


I hate all this crypto shit - it's dreadful for the environment, has obliterated the GPU market for consumers and has enabled organised crime to thrive. There is also no protection for people that dabble in it but that's their risk. I hope it doesn't get regulated in any way and that one day it all collapses but I fear it will only become more prominent and retarded especially surrounding NFT's. If people are willing to drop 5 figure sums on a image of 50 pixels then there is a huge gap for the likes of gaming publishers to sell things like encrytpted game engine codes for tens of millions and give credibility to the concept. 


Ubisoft have set a horrible precedent and its only a matter of time EA and Activision follow. I'd love to see other publishers along with the likes of Sony and Microsoft distancing themselves from anything like this so it doesn't become the industry standard. There's already been GPU miners disguised as games appear on Steam which were nuked so the water is being tested but I can see EA selling UT player cards the NFT route for insane fees and they will use their army of shills to engage and entice. 


It was only a few years ago people were fearful of adverts appearing in games and now it's all about publishers milking worthless shite for outrageous sums and once-popular content creators scamming their own fans the crypto route without a care in the world.  Soon gaming developers wont even have to make games - they'll just make copyrighted assets which will be sold as memorabilia for a game that doesn't even exist.  And if you are interested in cryptocurrency, then I can advise you to read cryptotimes.io/2024/04/26/7-crypto-payment-processors-to-consider-in-2024/. Here you can find 7 crypto payment processors worth considering in 2024. I recommend

The NFT craze, especially with celebrities selling overpriced JPEGs, does seem absurd. The environmental impact of crypto mining, the GPU market issues, and its use in organized crime are significant problems. The lack of protection for investors makes it even riskier.

Gaming companies like Ubisoft embracing NFTs could set a bad precedent, leading others like EA and Activision to follow suit. This shift towards monetizing digital assets rather than focusing on quality games is concerning. Hopefully, companies like Sony and Microsoft will resist this trend and prioritize creating engaging gaming experiences.

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