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Don't know if anyone's been following this tit-for-tat justice farce for the past seven or so years but once again we're back in the crazy Italian justice system for yet another trial verdict which is imminent. 


I am struggling to keep up and follow where we are with it but I believe they're at the murder trial part deux. Neither defendant has bothered to show either.


I take it Knox's 'I didn't do it' book is on ice momentarily  :lol:


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I never liked that Foxy Knoxy! She looked like an evil, manipulative slag. Trying to frame that barman by describing the events exactly as they happened despite not being there apparently, stank of guilt. 


The Italians still have to go through the extradition process which could take yonks and Sollecito is free pending yet another appeal this time at the supreme court as I understand. He has to surrender his passport though. It's still not over by a long shot it seems.


Either way; I don't know much about the legal process particularly in Italy but it's been a cock-up from start to finish. 

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I've caught bits and pieces of it over the years but not paying too much attention to it. From what I can tell I don't think any of us can say 100% for sure guilty or not. All I know is that the Italian justice system is making a mockery of itself with how this is being handled. First someone is guilty and goes to prison, then let go and said to be innocent, then they say guilty again and want them to go back to prison :blink:


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