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Dog Suggestions?

Uncle Dangle

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I just had a neighbors house get broken into and I'm looking for options.  All my law enforcement friends tell me the best deterrent from burglary/break in is to have a dog (not going to run out and get a shotgun, I'm more afriad of blowing my own balls off or something ...).  I'm looking at info online and the suggestions are generally really LARGE dogs.  The Rottweiller looks cool as hell, but I'm worried a neighbor kid will be over playing with my kid and lose his face after pissing the dog off. 


Anyways, I have 3 small kids at home under 10 and I'm looking for something that is kid friendly that will also scare the shit out of any would-be burgler/pervert, etc.  Leper - you could probably make this a very short discussion and just tell me what you're afraid of ...


Seriously though, any suggestions?





Totally unrelated side note - went back to the old FPSH website and it appears to be shut down.  The times they are a changin. 

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You could get about any old dog just for the alarm reason, the dog will bark if anyone is nearby, we had a little jack Russell terrier...that little guy would go nuts and bark nonstop whenever there was a deer, mouse, person ect outside. Dog barks, then you grab your gun. I don't really have experience with big dogs, but I would be worried about them hurting someone who doesn't mean any harm (young kids).

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Great Dane. Enough said. Very good dog. Great with kids. Will scare the shit out of anyone not expecting that type of bark. They will rattle the dishes their bark is so loud. If you want something smaller what about a boxer.

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Are you thinking of a puppy or a rescue? I'd be weary with a rescue and kids. I guess keep in mind that ALL dogs are different and have the potential to bite or hurt a kid.


IMO with bigger dogs 2 things happen 1.) they die quicker 2.) They ruin your house more, or they're bigger so they create bigger messes/damage.


I have an American Pit Bull Terrier. I know the media demonizes Pits but they are very good animals for family pets and protection.  As for a Rottweiler I've debated this with a lot of people who think they are great dogs for home protection. IMO they are the biggest, dumbest and most violent dogs I've ever come across. Again all dogs are different but it's an incredible hulk sized dog with a peanut brain capacity.


Based on growing up with and/or having raised them if I had to choose a big dog, with kids, and I'd get a puppy, I'd look for a German Sheppard or Doberman Pinscher. Smart, loyal, and not to be fucked with.


Good luck!




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Have you looked at any cross-breed's or mixed-breeds for sale in your area? Purebreeds often have health problems and generally live shorter lives than mixed or cross bred dogs. I'd suggest bringing your family to some local shelters and seeing if anything catches your eye, and then seeing how your family get along with it. 


If you have any questions just message me, 3 years working in a pet shop (and owning a dog myself) has taught me an awful lot about dog ownership.



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My first choice (only because I like them a lot) would be a German Sheppard. They have a reputation as a police/military dog but every single Sheppard I have ever known is the biggest suck ever with their own family. As mentioned all you really need is a dog that has a reputation and will bark.


I have a Shetland Sheepdog (miniature collie to a lot of people) and a Border Collie. They are extremely effective. A boarder is about a 45 lbs dog. It's known for being one of the smartest dogs around and therefore very easy to train. They are also great family pets. I taught mine to play hide and seek, tag, fetch and a number of tasks around the house. They will scare most people away from your door which is what you probably want. The Shelties is a small dog and very similar to the Border Collier. Mine is very very protective of the house until someone enters and they she's that person's bestest friend. 


It depends if you want something to raise the alarm or something that will actually defend. 


Then invest some time at obedience school for you first dog and train it well. Petsmart offers (in Ottawa anyways) classes (puppy to older dogs) that are not too expensive. It was under $100 and it gets the dog socialized as well. My kids the course at the age of 5 and 7 with the dog. It was a lot of fun for them and the dog.


Keep in mind that a dog is expensive. An alarm system would probably be cheaper.

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Siberean Husky, for sure.

I mean, look at them...



Beautiful, beautiful dogs.

Scary if you're a burglar, but big 'ol teddy bears to children.

Even the name is intimidating. x)


As mentioned all you really need is a dog that has a reputation and will bark.

So..chihuahas? xD



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Rottweilers or German Shepherds.


These are used by many forces for a reason. My parents bred Shepherds when I was a kid, awesome dogs, very loyal but prone to hip issues later on in life.


Can't comment too much on Rotties, only ever had one and it was awesome.


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Labradors.  They're smart.  Very smart.  Great with kids.  Fun.  And yeah, they bark like mad if someone comes up to your house.  


I love some of the other suggestions, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Dobermans, but Labradors are my first choice for a good family dog that will still bark at anyone who isn't supposed to be there.  




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Siberean Husky, for sure.

I mean, look at them...



Beautiful, beautiful dogs.

Scary if you're a burglar, but big 'ol teddy bears to children.

Even the name is intimidating. x)


So..chihuahas? xD





Reputation for belonging in someones purse :rolleyes:

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Anyways, I have 3 small kids at home under 10 and I'm looking for something that is kid friendly that will also scare the shit out of any would-be burgler/pervert, etc.  Leper - you could probably make this a very short discussion and just tell me what you're afraid of ...


Seriously though, any suggestions?


i fear miniature dachshunds, British bulldogs, and house cats.


just kidding i love those guys.  cats suck tho.

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i fear miniature dachshunds, British bulldogs, and house cats.


just kidding i love those guys.  cats suck tho.


You don't have the right cat then. My cats have dog personalities but are still cats. I love both dogs and cats which I have both. So watch what you say mister......lol

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Thanks for all of the suggestions guys.  I had a feeling there was a wealth of dog ownership knowledge on here.


Are you thinking of a puppy or a rescue? I'd be weary with a rescue and kids. I guess keep in mind that ALL dogs are different and have the potential to bite or hurt a kid.



Deterioration - I'm thinking puppy for this same reason.  I'm not sure what kind of emotional baggage a resuce may bring to the table.  Maybe he seems gentle until a 4 year old yanks on his ear and he's like "yeah, been taking this shit for years and its go time."  No thanks. 


If you have any questions just message me, 3 years working in a pet shop (and owning a dog myself) has taught me an awful lot about dog ownership.


Thanks Jordie - I may take you up on this. 


i fear miniature dachshunds, British bulldogs, and house cats.


just kidding i love those guys.  cats suck tho.

Yeah, I freaking hate cats.  I brake for dogs and squirrels.  When I see a cat I hit the gas. 

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Yeah, I freaking hate cats.  I brake for dogs and squirrels.  When I see a cat I hit the gas.


Cats are great pets, and you don't have to freeze your ass off taking them outside to shit in the middle of winter like you do with a dog. I have owned many in my life and have a few right now so lets whatch the stupid comments shall we. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I said I run over dogs would you.


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I grew up with two german sheps and a rottweiler. When The german shep died we got a mutt to keep the rottweiler company but unfortunately he died due to seizures. When my rotty died, we got two girl pitbulls (sisters). The pitbulls are the biggest babies that we've had, however they are defensive. We recently had a baby kitten and the pitbulls think they're the mamas and always sit by it to watch it. They're that way with us too. They are by far, my favorite breed that I've had.


When I'm older I'd love to have an english bulldog. But if that's not possible, I would not hesitate to get another pitbull.


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Are their restrictions on Pittbulls where you live? People here aren't have to muzzle them of fence them in. Unfair paranoia towards thems. Usual a bad dog is the result of a bad owner. 



I guess anyone who gets a bigger dog should also take into consideration the type of floors they have. Big dogs will damage carpet or soft wood floors with their claws (unintentionally)

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Are their restrictions on Pittbulls where you live? People here aren't have to muzzle them of fence them in. Unfair paranoia towards thems. Usual a bad dog is the result of a bad owner. 



I guess anyone who gets a bigger dog should also take into consideration the type of floors they have. Big dogs will damage carpet or soft wood floors with their claws (unintentionally)


Yeah, Pits and Rottys need to be leashed and muzzled in the public along with a bunch of other requirements, all of which I think are stupid.


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