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Starts March 10th up until June 9th.


Infographic below - Much different to previous ones, trying to learn from telling everyone all the detail on whats coming because it lowers the expectations across the board. You can see there is still key activities named in words at the top. News is likely to filter out through the months a little more rather than a splurge of info and thats it. I think thats better for Destiny as a whole and would rather see them go further if I'm honest.





I think the following graphic is the best one to show so you can understand what is free and what is part of the pass (Don't forget the Season Pass works across cross save so you only have to buy that once)





@shackleshotgun on Twitter rounds up info from key Destiny sources and I thought this was ideal to add in case you have key questions on what is known so far:





Finally, here's the trailer for it. Another decent one, showing some armour and potential Exotic weapons. I'm hoping for another super hidden mission along the way like Whisper and Outbreak exotic ones. Story sounds a decent one, there's an early view of a new ally race (kind of) and interestingly it looks like the original D1 faction that was omitted years ago is now making a presence in the game - Seventh Seraph



Any thoughts? Here's hoping for Escalation Protocol 2.0

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