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The Division


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This is the game I'm waiting for. But...l didn't know Ubisoft were developing it.... I really hope it doesn't disappoint. Watch Dogs seems to have been made with 14 year olds in mind (no offence teenagers).


Wondering what graphics card I'll have in 2016.


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Yep, I'm also sadly expecting less impressive graphics and frame rate issues when it's finally released on PC.

It's funny how the game was shown at the Xbox conference with a guy pretending to play the game with an Xbox controller but actually the footage was pre-recorded on a high-end PC and he wasn't even playing :lol:


Even on the top of the range PC's on release; I am expecting many textures to be scaled back. Ubisoft have a habit of demoing scripted scenes with enhanced textures for promotional purposes. COD AW may have looked a bit naff on the XB1 but at least Sledgehammer had the bottle to show the game off as face value. 

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Dunno if anyone saw but Ubishafted confirmed yesterday that The Division will be released THIS year along with RB6 Siege and AC Victory.


I expect we'll start seeing an aggressive promotional push of The Division in the coming months along with a centerpiece exhibit at E3. Really didn't think it would be out in 2015 as information and footage has been rather sparse but assuming there are no Watch Dogs-style delays; it'll be interesting to see if it can live up to its early hype.  

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I really want this game to live up to the hype, but I have my doubts.  Not sure how I feel about it coming out in 2015, after they said it was going to be 2016.  So... it went from 2015 to 2016, then back to 2015?  That's kind of weird.  Sounds like this...


We've got all these great ideas fro this game, lets do it!  


Uh... yeah, this is going to be harder than we thought.  


Screw it, lets drop x, y, and z and drop this bitch in 2015.  




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This game is the #1 reason I wanted a Next Gen console.  However, it looks like we might be waiting a long time :(




Ubisoft debuted gameplay for its upcoming open world, massively multiplayer shooter, The Division, last year during E3 with a projected release date of 2014. According to rumors from a source inside Ubisoft, 2014 is a fantasy.

"The game engine works well, it's not done but works well. The actual game development has barely started, however," a Ubisoft source told GameReactor. "The fact that Ubisoft has gone public with a 2014 release date feels laughable to be perfectly honest, we will never be able to release The Division this year. It's a large project, and we have very far to go."

Is this a case of Ubisoft teasing way too soon? After E3 there was even a petition to get The Division ported to PC since it will be a Tom Clancy title and a successor to a no-longer in development PC series. Or is it that Ubisoft has overextended itself? Late last year both Watch Dogs and The Crew, two large next-gen titles were pushed until 2014, perhaps this is just the ripple effect of those other major games getting delayed.

So if you were like me, very hyped about division, hold up and sate your appetite with this delicious gameplay from E3 2013, for the next...year.


I was wrong... it was originally Fall of 2014, then went to 2015.  




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