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Niobe Labs (and the gigantic secret puzzle)


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So, yesterday was the first day of a new content event, if you can call it that. Many expected to jump into some type of different missions and maybe an element of problem solving to finally unlock the 4th hidden Forge. Bungie came out to say the following tweet.



The overwhelming response to this over the last 24 hours is a somewhat mixed response to say the least, and I understandably agree why.


The picture below just shows you how much of this puzzle is a huge positive to all the Raid Secrets Guardians out there that have buckets of time on their hands.




To everyone else, there wasn't much stuff to really be able to do. No gun fights or boss mechanics (so far) to beat. I suppose it swings in roundabouts - content was unlocked when the first people completed the Last Wish Raid. They had to be the highly skilled ones, however everyone could at least get into the game and feel like they were trying to beat it and learn mechanics for later attempts.


This is an utter mind blow of a puzzle so I fear the longer this goes on, the majority of Destiny's community will feel like it's another dry, new content day release.


I get that. If I didn't have my milestones and objectives to do with other stuff then I'd feel 100% the same nothingness feel.


I really REALLY hope the forge that is eventually unlocked is well worth the wait.

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I honestly think this should have been an exotic weapon quest.  To simply have the forge unlock after this seems like overkill.  



*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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8 minutes ago, SensaiNemesis said:

I honestly think this should have been an exotic weapon quest.  To simply have the forge unlock after this seems like overkill.  



Couldn't agree more. Although, my positive side says I frickin hope we could get something still as an appreciation to when you complete Niobe Labs, since it is replayable.


Just hope it's not one of those moments when they had a really great new Public Event on Mercury only for 2 Tokens and a Blue engram meme to stick forever.


Has anyone tried any parts? I know @reaper-2201 and @Bluebear we're trying certain parts last night.

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Just got the update from Bungie website:


Today, at 2PM Pacific Time, the Bergusia Forge will be unlocked for all players who own the Annual Pass.
While coming together as a community to solve puzzles can be fun, setting this puzzle up as a gate between you and new content that you want to play has not been an ideal experience. As such, we will be decoupling the puzzle from the final offering of the Black Armory. All Annual Pass owners will be able to experience the Bergusia Forge when the puzzle is solved or when the deadline expires - whichever happens first.
We realize that many of you have been working hard to solve the puzzle of the Niobe Labs. Whatever the outcome, it will remain open for Annual Pass owners who still want to test their problem solving skills. There is a Ghost and an Emblem to earn as evidence that you completed the challenge.
We love trying new things with Destiny, but we’re also flexible enough to pivot when you point out room for improvement. We’ll continue to monitor the conversation about this event and learn from your feedback as we create future content releases. 
Thanks for playing. Enjoy the final forge.

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My opinion:



  • Great that they can decouple this so quickly and respond yet again in a snap to feedback


  • A ghost and an emblem for something that is freaking difficult to crack doesn't seem the right rewards
  • Whilst responding and changing the game so quickly is great, you can't keep making the initial mistake

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