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The Forever Gaming Xmas Giveaway 2018

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Morning FG!


As last year's was an all round success it's come to the point to do this year's! I've learned a lot from last year, we have some amazing people that donate generously and hope this continues but also I want to not shoot myself in the foot and go present happy when I realised I was stretching my pocket a little too thin to make this as big as possible.


I'm thinking this year along the lines of game vouchers and accessories; controllers, hard drives maybe and if we're lucky to get enough donations then let's look at a couple of games too.


We'll use the raffle system like last year. We'll have a thread starting next week where we'll log down all names that want whatever stuff we have and I'll try and draw on Christmas Day!



If you have any suggestions for us to go and buy and raffle out, please shout below!



You can use the donate button below which is the easiest way via PayPal. If you are donating a larger amount then I suggest you open up PayPal directly as via the donate button PayPal take 5%. The email address is forevergaming.co.uk@gmail.com. PM me if you're struggling!


I want to keep the Feel Good factor we have here going so we can have a great end to 2018 and be positive about what fun we can have in 2019.

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