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How to get the Wish-Ender


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  1. Go into the Confluence in the Dreaming City, which can be accessed through portals in the Gardens of Esila, Spine of Keres, or Harbinger's Seclude. Spine of Keres is probably best because it gives you a straight shot to where the mission is, but they all work. Go to the area of the Confluence directly under the Blind Well, and you will be able to start the mission 'The Shattered Throne' from there. This has 590 power enemies in, so bring your best gear, and a couple of friends. Within this mission, after defeating the first major boss, you will find a statue of Sjur Eido, and you will be able to present her with your Awoken Talisman. Once you have done this, continue on with the mission. Finish this, and you'll be on to step 2
  2. Go to the Tangled Shore, and more specifically Four-Horn Gulch. There will be a small Taken ball in the air, the same as the ones that represent Toland in the Ascendant Challenges. This will start a mission which will provide you with 3 'Worthless' tokens, one from each boss at the end of this mission.
  3. Head back into the Shattered Throne. You will need to defeat 3 bosses in order to turn your tokens from Worthless to Waking. The bosses can be summoned by depositing Orbs, like the ones found in the Corrupted Strike and T4 Blind Well into statues. The first boss is summoned in the area with the symbol rooms. Head left from where you first arrive until you reach 'The Tower of the Deep'. Head outside and use the rocks to platform up on top. At the top of this Tower will be the first orb. From here, look for a large dome on the other side of this area. Take the orb to the top of here and look for a statue with an orb spaced gap in its hands. Head up to it and deposit it. This will spawn your first boss. Kill it, and continue on.
  4. The next boss is spawned with two orbs. The first is found in the section with the Ogres and beams. As you walk into this section, immediately take the first beam to your right, and find the orb behind a pillar. The statue is about halfway up the room on the right hand side. You may want to trigger all of the ogres first before grabbing this, as it makes things much easier. The second orb is found in the room with all of the shadow thrall where you are slowed. Once again, immediately go right upon entering the room and the orb will be around the corner in the first right hand side room. The statue is found after jumping out of the slowed area. The easiest way to do this is to have one person grab the orb, jump on the white block at the top of the stairs at the start of this room, and have teammates run through. The thrall can't damage you here, and will despawn when your team hit the next checkpoint. The statue is on the right after jumping out of where you are slowed. Note that we wiped at this section initially, and the orb did not respawn, so that may have been a glitch, or you just can't wipe. Also note that you can't reset the mission, and so would have to finish it and go back in. After these two orbs are placed, move forward into the large door that is now open ahead of you. Kill the second boss and head back out of this room.
  5. The final orb is found in the first boss encounter, where you need to defeat the Ogre. 4 wizards must be killed, and the buff they drop must be picked up and discharged to lower the Ogres shield. After the first time you discharge this buff, look toward the opposite end of the room to the one which you entered from for a Taken Minotaur called 'Fleeting Shade'. This is a normal red bar minotaur, so should be relatively easy to kill. It will drop you your third orb. Pick it up and head to the left side of the room, looking at it from the direction you entered. The statue will be halfway up on this side. This will spawn your third boss. Note that you will have a new set of adds spawned at this point, along with Axion Darts being shot at you by the original boss, so you may want to save a hard hitting super to deal with this third boss. I used a Blade Barrage, and took almost all of its health off.
  6. Finish this encounter, and head to the statue of Sjur Eido to claim your Wish-Ender.


Note: once you have woken one token by killing the boss, it seems like it stays that way. So you could potentially do all 3 in separate runs if you wanted to. And as far as I can tell you can’t join other people once they’ve entered the dungeon (my friend had an open spot and when I attempted to join it would say not enough space on fire team) so you’ll need to start as a group.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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4 hours ago, The3rdWalker said:


You totally can! Two of our PC guys two manned it. I have faith in you! You’re a good player.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I'm not that good. 

But I appreciate your support 😁




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It baffles me how people can find this out within a day! The orbs part is so random - to be a full time gamer *sigh*

Definitely want to try this but going to get levelled up more. When it comes back in 3 week's time I think I should be around 570. Seems to be no need to rush things atm.

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