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What a dick


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As much as I hate to give this guy any publicity, as that's probably the purpose of this video, I need to vent.


This is a video of someone who "destroys a PS4 in front of Gamestop". Now my first thought was that he waited in line for it, then when he got it, destroyed it whilst other people were watching, just as a little attention seeking thing. Now although I would've still thought that he's a dickhead, I then watched the video, and saw that he was in the car park, where not a single person was watching. Now surely if you want to make a statement like this, you do it in front of olads of people? Or is it because people can't punch you in the face through Youtube? Did he not have the balls to do it properly?


He might as well have done it at Walmart, or Poundland. It makes fuckall difference where he did it, because nobody saw it anyways. The title should've been "PS4 destroyed in some random car park where nobody can see me because I'm too chicken to deal with people's reactions"


I also noticed that the PS4 came out of the boot, in a box which was already opened. So he's gone home, played on it a bit, then come back to destroy it. If that's not undermining the whole thing, I don't know what is.


He says he does this "just for fun". Something which he destroys in 5 minutes, could've brought another family years of joy and entertainment. Hell, that's $450 which could've fed a family for a month, if not two. Yet this dick seems to be unable to comprehend that there are people less fortunate than himself and just wastes it all.





Shit like this just pisses me off. What a dick.


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Stupid moron is so weak he can barely make a dent in it :lol:


+1. They needed a car to destroy it. A fucking car. Whimpy 16 year old with a bat oculdn't do shit.

PS4 1 - Kid with a bat 0.


I actually did this to my old ps3 when it went to hell. Strangely calming. But a brand new working PS4? Someone needs to send these kids away to a place where they can't use daddy's cash.

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What a complete and utter tool! If I ever caught one of my kids doing this there would be absolute hell to pay! It would have been a far better vid if he'd of handed the PS4 to some random stranger and asked him to beat that kid around the head with it!


And relax............ :)

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