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Mike's PC


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Fuckin win!

I hope you like it buddy, glad it all came together!


I love it thus far. The thing my girlfriend got me was very easy to use, woohoo! I just got done installing virus protector and Steam. I'll probably work on Origin next. So if you wanna send me that key code for BF3, or any other code, i'll get it downloaded while I sleep tonight.




I'm trying to adjust to your keyboard, I haven't typed on a keyboard that wasn't on a laptop since I was in 11th grade!


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Hey since I have a monitor for Mike. Would anyone be willing to help me get it to him since I'm tight on funds.

My transmission went out in my truck and that was unexpected. So if someone would help me pay for the shipping charges that would be great. Just PM me if you want to help me help Mike get the rest of his PC together.

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Thank You

So here it is.
I have typed up numerous things on my notepad starting from when I first found out to just the other day. I haven't posted any of it because it just sounds corny. But I kind friend reminded me that if it's something sincere, it cannot sound corny.
When I first found out what you guys were doing I was with my mother as usual. We were watching TV together. It was a commercial and I was checking the forum on my phone and my mom was reading her Angel books.. And when I read the reveal, I tried to get my mothers attention. When she finally looked at me and I told her what you guys were doing, we both started crying. She cried more than me. At this time in my life, we were fighting for our house with the mortgage. My house was up for sheriff sale at least 8 times the past 2 years. But we kept fighting and fortunately we're still living in it! I hope in regards to the house, things are done for a while. And we just keep on getting better in regards with money and all.
After crying happy tears another emotion set in. I didn't want to get my hopes up. Growing up, my parents consistently got my hopes up. If they promised we were going to go somewhere on the weekend it ended with a "We'll do it the next weekend." Then next weekend hit. "We'll do it next weekend." It wasn't just for car rides. It was for other things as well. I learned at a young age to never ever get my hopes up. I was the same way with this. Because I was this way, I didn't tell anyone else in my immediate family until my girlfriend convinced me that it was going to happen and I deserve to be excited about something.
So now the ball is rolling, Dave is sending me some screen shots of his Paypal showing me how much you guys were donating and I was very shocked. What bothered me the most is not knowing who was donating all this money. I really wanted to individually thank whoever was apart of this. So for those of you who want to keep your anonymity, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. You have shed light on what has been a very bad year thus far. In particularly, I want to thank Dave. Way back on the MW2forums, I got some great laughs from you calling people out in posts, and at the same time I was like man that guy is a real douche bag at times. After mending our relationship at the end of the FPSHQ, I felt like it was way passed due, and i'm happy that we could be friends. Now we're here at our new home, Forever Gaming. If I were to have told myself a few years back that you would be someone that I would cherish as a friend, I would have said "Yeah, right." But now that you are... I guess you're stuck with me.



I love you guys.


PS: The most boring thing about having a new computer is installing everything!  <_<


I will take a picture of everything set up when it's all at my desk. Right now I have my computer on my dresser so my TV can be used as a monitor. Then my keyboard is on my hamper and I use my mouse on my knee. Not ideal for gaming, but this will do with installing things and looking at the forums.  :D


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Cracking post buddy. I always thought you were a bit quiet, but now I understand why. This isn't corny man, when it comes to friends (or for many of us, family), there's no corny at all.


In fact, I have a few goodies for your new system:


Dead Island, Game of the year edition

Sacred 2: Gold Edition

Risen 2: Dark Waters

Saint's Row 2

Saint's Row 3: ultimate edition (includes soundtracks)

Dead Space

Dead Space 3

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Mirror's Edge

Battlefield 3

The Sims 3

Medal of honor

Metro 2033 (for realsies, throw that Nvidia code in the bin)


Sacred Citadel



Check your PMs, it'll all become clear ;)


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Cracking post buddy. I always thought you were a bit quiet, but now I understand why. This isn't corny man, when it comes to friends (or for many of us, family), there's no corny at all.


In fact, I have a few goodies for your new system:


Dead Island, Game of the year edition

Sacred 2: Gold Edition

Risen 2: Dark Waters

Saint's Row 2

Saint's Row 3: ultimate edition (includes soundtracks)

Dead Space

Dead Space 3

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Mirror's Edge

Battlefield 3

The Sims 3

Medal of honor

Metro 2033 (for realsies, throw that Nvidia code in the bin)


Sacred Citadel



Check your PMs, it'll all become clear ;)


I'm gonna tell you right now, Mirror's Edge is a game I've always wanted to try and play. So that's cool that i'll finally get to try that game. Wow. I'm gonna be busy. My gosh. And all this stuff I redeem through Steam? Besides BF3? I already have Sims 3 so if I could give that code away that would be cool. If that's ok with you Dave? Or maybe you can give it away in a video on your YouTube?


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Nah, give it to whoever you want man. You'll see with the Origins bundle that you get codes for both Steam and Origin for all the games except BF3 and the Sims. Redeem the ones on Steam, and you can give the Origin codes away too ;)


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Nah, give it to whoever you want man. You'll see with the Origins bundle that you get codes for both Steam and Origin for all the games except BF3 and the Sims. Redeem the ones on Steam, and you can give the Origin codes away too ;)


Alright, i'm gonna see if my niece wants it, if not i'll ask around on here.


So not only do I get Steam codes I get Origin codes too!? WHaaaa..


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Click Start > Computer. Does the drive show up there?


And you could definitely hear it spinning up when you stuck a CD in it? 


Sounds like it could be a loose SATA cable, nothing major. Let me know.




I'm most certain I hear it spinning. It beeps when after the trey goes in too.


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Ok, your drive isn't connected, or something else is wrong. Open up the case and check if there are two cables plugged into the drive. One will go into your motherboard and the other into your power supply. It's got power, because it spins up, but Windows isn't detecting it so it's probably a loose cable. 


Open up the case, post a photo of the isides up in here and I'll show you what to do. 


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Ok, your drive isn't connected, or something else is wrong. Open up the case and check if there are two cables plugged into the drive. One will go into your motherboard and the other into your power supply. It's got power, because it spins up, but Windows isn't detecting it so it's probably a loose cable. 


Open up the case, post a photo of the isides up in here and I'll show you what to do. 


Ok, I'll do this after dinner. I'll be back up in an hour or 2. Thanks.


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