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Changing your NAT type


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First, this is not for me. I have a friend that I work with that plays Ghosts. Recently, his NAT went from moderate to strict most of the time and he's having a difficult time finding lobbies and glitching all over the place. I know in the last couple of forums, there were instructions on how to get your NAT back to open or even moderate. Does anyone have that information and if you do, can you please post it hear for the layman who is technologically advanced? I would like to be able to print something out for him to take home and try to fix it. I appreciate any help!!

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Mine flicks between Moderate and Open, not sure why. Some people can't connect to me when it's moderate.


Hopefully someone can help, I'd be interested to see what can be done.


I think Joe (deter) knows a bit about DMZ or whatever it's called, he might know.

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Also if the person has a wireless router how many devices are leaching bandwidth while they're trying to play? There are many factors.

This is my problem, we have 6 mobiles, 2 ipods, a galaxy tab, a blackberry playbook, 2 laptops, a pc, Sky+ HD, Wii and 3 PS3s all connected to the one router! And I moan about a shit connection :lol:

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