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Shamrock & Awe event


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So 5 months in and Sledgehammer seem to have moved towards the cash grab behaviour people suspected they might do from the start.


The new event on the face of it is a pretty good free update, new fun mosh pit , reskin of Shipment, weapon charm cosmetics , and 2 new guns.


But that last one hides a sting in the tail , actually getting hold of the new guns is pretty hard. You basically can get lucky through supply drops or can buy them with credits largely earned from duplicates in supply drops. But Sledgehammer have tweaked the economy to make it harder to earn supply drops and therefore credits, to push you towards buying extra supply drops or credits in order to get the guns. First real cash grab and it’s pretty obvious. The beginning of the end !

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Weapon charms is just stupid. Who really cares about that? 

Interrested in the new smg, but obviously not gonna pay for it. 

I like that you no longer have to go to HQ to get contracts and challenges. 





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I don’t understand how companies are still making all these stupid decisions, it’s all pretty simple. Less EA, more Blizzard 👍


Fortuantley I only really play zombies and private parties on cod, it just hasn’t had the draw like other cod games have. Although it’s been the best for years, but they might as well have been nothing to beat the other games were so shite.



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11 hours ago, Baabcat said:

So 5 months in and Sledgehammer seem to have moved towards the cash grab behaviour people suspected they might do from the start.


The new event on the face of it is a pretty good free update, new fun mosh pit , reskin of Shipment, weapon charm cosmetics , and 2 new guns.


But that last one hides a sting in the tail , actually getting hold of the new guns is pretty hard. You basically can get lucky through supply drops or can buy them with credits largely earned from duplicates in supply drops. But Sledgehammer have tweaked the economy to make it harder to earn supply drops and therefore credits, to push you towards buying extra supply drops or credits in order to get the guns. First real cash grab and it’s pretty obvious. The beginning of the end !


Hang on though, you can just play and eventually get it, right? You can credits from duplicates which is most likely to happen quite a lot of the time for people that have played it a lot so may be that's not such a bad thing? Maybe playing devil's advocate here, as it's a free update, maybe it's a good thing there are goals that are difficult to obtain quickly to keep longevity in the game?

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They have added a contract to allow you to get guns. They have lowered the duplicate rate in supply drops. They have upped the rate you get heroic and epic items. No more shitty pistol grips being added. The community has asked for the charms and camo options. I have gotten more epic and heroic drops in the past week than all the previous months combined probably. Plus got the new SMG in a supply drop. This is all with very limited play time 


I think they have taken two huge steps forward 

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6 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Hang on though, you can just play and eventually get it, right? You can credits from duplicates which is most likely to happen quite a lot of the time for people that have played it a lot so may be that's not such a bad thing? Maybe playing devil's advocate here, as it's a free update, maybe it's a good thing there are goals that are difficult to obtain quickly to keep longevity in the game?


Yeah but....as I said they have changed the economy. So supply drop contracts cost more, so the credits you generate from duplicates are less likely to cover the cost of the original contract, and the contracts themselves are a bit harder so more likely to fail and generate nothing. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of good stuff in it, but there is a subtle change to encourage  buying supply drops.

3 hours ago, TigerBurge said:

They have added a contract to allow you to get guns. They have lowered the duplicate rate in supply drops. They have upped the rate you get heroic and epic items. No more shitty pistol grips being added. The community has asked for the charms and camo options. I have gotten more epic and heroic drops in the past week than all the previous months combined probably. Plus got the new SMG in a supply drop. This is all with very limited play time 


I think they have taken two huge steps forward 


The contract I think you mean is the sten contract, which was a weapon added pre xmas, so agree good you can get it, but in the current event where is the contract to get the new guns. In winter siege each new weapon had a new contract so easy to get, not so this time around. I got lucky and got the lmg in a supply drop but 40 drops later no SMG and pretty hard to generate the 20k credits needed to buy it. Lots of good stuff added, but some smoke and mirrors as well.

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19 hours ago, TigerBurge said:

They have added a contract to allow you to get guns. They have lowered the duplicate rate in supply drops. They have upped the rate you get heroic and epic items. No more shitty pistol grips being added. The community has asked for the charms and camo options. I have gotten more epic and heroic drops in the past week than all the previous months combined probably. Plus got the new SMG in a supply drop. This is all with very limited play time 


I think they have taken two huge steps forward 


Yeah, charms are actually asked for by a large part of the community. Just like Rainbow Six :D If they've got ridden of those grips too that's a bonus. I didn't know about the contract so that's pretty good.


15 hours ago, Baabcat said:


Yeah but....as I said they have changed the economy. So supply drop contracts cost more, so the credits you generate from duplicates are less likely to cover the cost of the original contract, and the contracts themselves are a bit harder so more likely to fail and generate nothing. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of good stuff in it, but there is a subtle change to encourage  buying supply drops.


The contract I think you mean is the sten contract, which was a weapon added pre xmas, so agree good you can get it, but in the current event where is the contract to get the new guns. In winter siege each new weapon had a new contract so easy to get, not so this time around. I got lucky and got the lmg in a supply drop but 40 drops later no SMG and pretty hard to generate the 20k credits needed to buy it. Lots of good stuff added, but some smoke and mirrors as well.


I can't knock companies for some smoke and mirrors though Bob, as players are now demanding more and more content, for free. So they have to find different ways to make content look and feel good. Having said that, it seems pretty decent overall. If anything, I think they haven't put enough new weapons in. It would've been nice to make 4/5 weapons available rather than 2 as i'm sure there's enough out there they could have created.

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